White and Red Clothes Don't Match

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"Jim, you can't do that," Ray said as he took the red shirt out of the washing machine.

"Why noooooooot?!" the Doors singer moaned like a child.

"It'll turn the whites pink!" Ray explained for the ten thousandth time.

"Did someone say 'PINK'?!" Syd shouted from the kitchen. "I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the color pink! LOVE IT!"

"We know, Syd," Ray sighed. "Go back to your Spaghetti-Os."

"But...! Pink..." the singer/guitarist mumbled. He shuffled back to the table and huffed.

"No pink clothes for you," Rick chuckled.

"Shut up, Richard," Syd huffed.

"Hey, Rick? We're almost out of laundry soap. I'm going to run down to the store and get some more," Ray said as he walked into the kitchen area of the small apartment the four shared.

"Alright. I'll entertain the children," the Pink Floyd keyboardist said lightly.

Syd and Jim stared at Rick while he ate his cereal. Syd whispered something to Jim, who smirked and nodded fervently. Syd started poking Rick in the head.

"Hey, hey, you, you. Rick. Richard. Ricky Boy. Quiet Keys. Richard. Wright. Look at me. Rick. Rick. Rick. Rock. Rock. Rick. Ri--"

"Can I help you, Syd?!" Rick snapped.

"Hi!" Syd said with a smirk. Jim was gone. 

"Where's Jim?" Rick asked nervously.

"Who? Jimmy Page? He's here?" Syd asked.

"No! Jim. Jim Morrison! Where'd he go?" The washing machine stopped and started. Rick was very nervous now.

A peal of laughter emanated from the washroom.

"Oh, God... Ray's going to butcher me..." Rick mumbled. Syd let out a whoop and rushed to the washroom.

"Did it!" Jim shouted.

"Woohoo! Pink clothes!" Syd shouted back.

"Hesgoingtokillmehesgoingtokillmehesgoingtokillme..." Rick muttered over and over.

Ray walked in. "Hey, Rick. I got the-- What did they do." The laundry soap hit the floor when Ray saw Rick curled up in a ball crying.

"Clothes... Going to kill me... I don't wanna die..." Rick babbled.

"Oh, God, they didn't..." Ray peered into the washroom and saw Jim and Syd watching the washing machine closely.

"Hello," they said in sync, not bothering to look up.

"You put that red shirt in, didn't you..." Ray sighed. Jim nodded.

"We're going to have pink clothes!" Syd enthused.

"Wrong. Robby, Nick and Roger are going to have pink clothes. Not us," Ray said. The smile on both of the boys' faces fell.

"Robby?" Jim whispered.

"Nick and Roger?" Syd gasped.

"Yeah. Those three." Ray nodded and the boys started sobbing.

"He'll kill me!" Jim cried.

"Roger has a terrible temper! So does Nick! I don't want to die!" Syd sobbed.

Ray fought back a laugh. "Yeah, they'll kill you two for sure."

"No! Take the shirt out, Syd!" Jim screamed. "I don't wanna die!"

"I can't open the washing machine!" Syd wept. 

Ray was having a very hard time not laughing now. Even Rick was smirking a little now.

"Wait, wait, Syd... We have to... Have to appeal to... To their better nature," Jim said between sobs.

"Okay, we'll try," Syd whimpered.

Ray burst out laughing. "The fact that you two fell for that...! That's incredible! That's hilarious!"

"What is?" Jim asked, suddenly angry.

"Those aren't Robby's, Roger's and Nick's clothes! They never were!" Ray laughed.

Jim and Syd looked at each other. They looked at Ray. They looked at each other. They burst out crying again.

"What's wrong now?" Ray asked.

"I don't wanna punish them, Syd, but we have to!" Jim cried.

"I know! I don't like the idea of breaking their fingers, though. Can't we torture them some other way?" Syd moaned.

"Br--break?! Fingers?! Ours?!" Ray exclaimed.

"Yeah. You tricked us. We gotta break your fingers now," Syd said.

"It was a joke! I swear, just a joke!" Ray gasped. "Don't break my fingers! You can break Rick's--"

"What?! No!"

"--but not mine!"

"We have to! It's the rules," Jim said.

"Rules?! What rules?" Rick asked.

"The ones we made. You trick us, we break your fingers." Jim shook his head and reached for Ray's hand.

Ray jerked back. "You were messing with us far before we messed with you!" he snapped.

"I vote we run!" Rick shouted.

"Agreed!" Ray replied. 

The keyboardists ran out of the apartment.

Syd looked at Jim. Jim looked at Syd.

"Got 'em!" they said in sync as they started laughing. "Got 'em good!"

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