Chapter 3: Red?

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Izumi's POV:
Ryuu began to laugh after my previous comment.

   "What is it? Did I say something weird?" I asked Ryuu rushed.

   "Īe (no). It's just after you found out Zen was the second prince of Clarines, you started calling him Ōji-sama. That's a bit funny." Ryuu remarked. I blushed at his comment, not only because I knew that it was true but also because he noticed. This is embarrassing!!!

   "Yeah, you caught me. I was acting a bit disrespectful since I didn't know he was a prince. I didn't bow. I didn't address him right. I didn't know who he was. I didn't treat him with my up most respect. Heck! I don't think I even apologize to him for bumping into him yesterday!!!! So yeah I think meeting him again and treating him correctly and proper like a Prince should be treated. Yep! That would most definitely put me at ease." I rambled to the young males. I sweat dropped at the end of my mini speech of my actions. It's humiliating!!!

I heard the lake make soothing music. I stood up and turned to look at the lake, I then began walking towards the lake. I bent down and dipped my pointer finger of my right hand into the water. This is calming. *pat* *pat* *pat* I heard running in the distance and saw some some running towards me really fast. I stood up and tried to step away so neither of us got hurt, but trip over a rock as I was turning. I began to fall towards the lake. I closed my eyes and tried to outstretch my arms in front of me, but before I could I felt someone hugging me?


   Huh?! I opened my eyes and I saw OBI!!!!!!!!! Nani? (What?) I used my arms and hands to push myself out of his chest. Once I did I got a good look of him. Obi was soaking wet and I was as dry as a daisy. I was shocked. I quickly removed myself from Obi and stood up. I quickly dusted myself off and outstretched my hands towards Obi. Obi took both of my hands and got out of the water. After I helped Obi get out I started freaking out. What do I do?!?!?!?!

   "Don't worry I'll go over to that building right there and probably ask Shirayuki for spare clothes." Obi replied in a soothing and calming voice. I relaxed a bit by hearing this.

   "I guess Ōji-sama would have to wait a bit longer than expected, right?" I asked Obi holding my right hand close to my chest.

   "Ryuu can escort you to Master. If he doesn't mind?" Obi said and asked Ryuu. I turned around to face Ryuu. And when I did I gave him my puppy eyes, I need to see Zen to apologize. Ryuu saw my puppy eyes and his cheeks were dusted with a light hue of pink, he then nodded his head. I was overjoyed. I ran to Ryuu and tackled him into a hug of appreciation.

   "Arigatōgozaimashita Ryuu!!!!!" I told him. I released my hold from him and Ryuu began leading the way. I smiled and waved goodbye to Obi sadly.

Ryuu and I have made a number of turns in the main building. At the moment I'm in front of a pair of doors that led to Prince Zen's office, because Ryuu still has work to do. I slowly breathe in and breathe out. I slowly raise my hand and turn it so that my knuckle knocks on the door. But, before I do I stop myself from proceeding any further. I'm so nervous right now! Then my body began moving on it's own and my knuckle knocked on the door once, and then twice. I stood frozen on the spot after processing what I just did. I was about to run and attempt tomorrow, but I couldn't.

"Come in!" A voice that I recognized from any where. Zen! I placed my right hand slowly on the door knob and I also slowly proceeded to opening the door. I entered the room and closed the door behind me as I entered. I was now standing in front of the doors looking at the ground. Zen was about to speak, but I started first.

"Gomen'nasai! (Sorry!) I'm sorry about the way I miss treated you yesterday! I promise I would treat with the up most respect. No Prince should have been treated the way that I treated you! And I'm so so so sorry for that. Please forgive me Ōji-sama!" I remarked to Prince Zen. As I was saying this I was bowing down at a 90° angle the entire time. I'm truly sorry Prince Zen! I had my eyes shut afraid of the wrath he might bring upon me.

    *screech* I heard the chair that Prince Zen was just sitting in getting pushed back. I opened my eyes but I continued on looking down at the floor I front of me. Here he comes. I heard footsteps coming towards me and then stopped right in front of me. It was Zen, how? Well he's the only person that I know at the moment that wears blue boots. He placed his hands on my shoulders. That made me widen my eyes for a second. Zen then helped me stand up right, so that I was no longer bowing down. With him removing his hands from my shoulders he began to smile widely.

   "You didn't treat me wrong yesterday at all! And I'm glad I'm getting to see you again today. And please treat me like anybody else. I really don't like to be treated differently just because I'm a Prince." Zen began saying, but when he was asking me to treat him the same he began bowing down. I flinched and began freaking out. I ran to Zen and helped him get out of his bowing down position in front of me.

   "Zen!!! You're not supposed to bow down! You're a prince, you shouldn't be asking a girl like me for forgiveness/ a favor!" I told Zen while I was freaking out. Zen was now standing up and smiling at me, and then he began laughing. Huh?

   "You should feel honored. Having the Second Prince of Clarines bowing down to you. I'm just kidding and besides that's the third time you called me by just my name! I love it when you just called me by Zen. So from now on call me Zen and only Oh Mighty Ōji-sama when there are other people of royalty near by. Okay!" Zen said to me. I blushed lightly, but I laughed nonetheless along with him. Zen and I were laughing together for a while, but we stopped and smiled at each other.

"Okay you two love birds! Stop being lovey dovey, we still have work to do." A new voice said that was in the room. Zen and I flinched at the comment and looked at each other, then we blushed and stared at the ground for a while. I looked up from the ground and at the person who made the comment. He was a male standing with his arms crossed over his chest with spikey aqua green hair on top and black on the bottom half, he also had a smirk on his face almost as if he was proud of his comment. He was then elbowed on the side of his stomach by a blonde haired young lady. The blonde beauty had her hair in a side ponytail coming over her left shoulder, she wore a bored / serious expression. The pair was standing on the left side of Zen's desk from my perspective. When I looked to the right side of the desk that stood a girl about my height just a bit shorter. She had short almost bob or above shoulder length red hair. I then moved my eyes over to Zen's desk. Wait! What!? Red hair!!?!?! I quickly shifted my eyes to the other red haired girl in the room. Zen coughed and that removed my attention from the girl at the moment.

"Arigatōgozaimashita Kiki, Mitsuhide really needed that." Zen replied calmly to the blonde lady known as Kiki. Kiki simply nodded her head. While the male, that goes by the name Mitsuhide was rubbing the side of his stomach in pain. I giggled at his reaction, but I stopped because everyone was staring at me. I shifted a bit uncomfortably, but I decided to change the topic.

"Um what's your name?" I asked the red haired girl curiously.

"Shirayuki," She simply said with a small smile. But then after she said her name to me, she flinched.

"Gomen'nasai Zen! But I just remembered that I have some work that Garack wanted me to do. So Ja ne!" Shirayuki said sort of rushed to Zen. She picked of some papers and hold it close to her chest and walked towards the door. As she was about to close the door she gave us all a final bow and closed the door.

"Well now that you know who everyone is let's get done to business," Zen began saying as he was making his way back to his desk and sat in his chair. I walked forward so that I was standing a foot in front of his desk.

"I didn't just want to see you today Izumi. I remembered that you are planning on staying in Clarines, right?" Zen asked me while looking at me in my eyes kindly.

"Yes, that is correct. I'm planning on staying here in Clarines, but I still haven't found a job that pays well." I tell Zen matter a factly. Or went looking for one, yet. I sweat drop at this.

"Good! I have a job opening and I was wondering if you are interested in it. But remember you can decline the offer. But if you're interested, I'm in need of an assistant." Zen responded. An assistant? Yeah, I could do that.

"I'll be more than happy to take on that job, Zen. Arigatōgozaimashita!" I reply cheerfully with a small bow.

The Second Red Haired Girl (Zen x OC)Where stories live. Discover now