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"Cut! That's a wrap, everybody!" Dan shouted.

It was 4pm on a Friday, one week after Jace and Riele had gotten together and resolved their issues. Filming of the Henry Danger episode they had been working on was finally complete. Since they were only finishing up the last few scenes, shooting didn't take too long that day. With the final wrap of the episode, many crew members were rushing off set to get home and enjoy the weekend or congratulating each other on the work of the episode.

Meanwhile, Jace was searching the crowd for a certain vertically challenged female.

Suddenly, the blond felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso from behind him.

"It's your favorite person ever!" Riele exclaimed jokingly from behind him. Jace chuckled, nudging out of her embrace.

"Sean?" he asked excitedly, turning around. "Oh, it's just you." His petite girlfriend narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Jace laughed before placing his hands on her cheeks.

"I'm just kidding," he said softly, nonetheless earning himself an eye-roll. He chuckled before leaning down closer to her face. "Come here-"

"He's not kidding," Sean spoke while stepping forward between the two. Jace reluctantly dropped his hands and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Sean," Jace complained jokingly. Riele laughed.

"I don't want to see that on set! Go somewhere!" Sean said.

"But it was just-" Jace spoke.

"Nah, Sean's right," Riele interrupted. "No kiss for you." Jace groaned, sending Riele into another fit of laughter.

"Yeah, no kissing on set!" yelled Nathan as he walked by. The three burst into laughter.

"Alright, lovebirds," Sean started, latching his arms around the twos' shoulders. "I gotta get going. Don't have too much fun, and don't miss me too much!" The curly-haired blond rubbed his fists in their hair, giving them each a noogie and causing them to laugh.

"Stop it, Sean!" Riele cried while still laughing, trapped in his grip. When he finally let go, they bid their goodbyes, and Sean headed out the door.

"So," Jace spoke when the two were left alone, nonchalantly swinging an arm around the petite's shoulder.

"So," she repeated as they walked out the doors of the studio. "Where are we going?"

"That depends," he replied. "Hungry?" They approached his black Camry before Riele answered.

"Good, me too."
"So where are we going to eat?"
"You'll see."
"Jace, I don't want ice cream again."
"We're not getting ice cream."
"I don't want grilled cheese again, either."
"Not so reminiscent of our first date, huh?"
"Jace-" The blond playfully rolled his eyes.
"Just trust me."

Riele was suddenly taken aback by his words, remembering when Henry had said the same to Charlotte back in season one, after she had gotten a job working for Captain Man. They had only been kids back then. She looked at the goofy blond in front of her and smiled, realizing how far they had come. Jace looked at her suspiciously.

"What?" he asked her, confused. Instead of explaining, she wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him, the way Charlotte had done after Henry's orders. Jace involuntarily wrapped an arm around her, but it still took him a moment to comprehend. He then looked down to see her grinning up at him, causing the blond to laugh in realization.

"Up the tube," he joked softly. She sighed before leaning her head against his chest, gripping him tighter. Jace moved to wrap both his arms around her, kissing her forehead before gently laying his chin upon her head. He sighed in content, appreciating just how well the two fit together. It was then he knew how much the girl he held meant to him, and that this was actually what being in love felt like.

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