Chapter Two

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Spencer's POV//

I sat on the shore of the beach, looking out at the ocean. I'm out of that cage, I could barely handle a few hours of that thing, let alone however long he wants me to stay in there.

I stared out at the beautiful green-blue water, seeing the occasional flip of a tail, and a ship in the distance, contemplating on whether or not to just run in.

Maybe they'd take pity on me, maybe I could resist them, or maybe they wouldn't have the same effect on me because I'm a girl. Or maybe they'll kill me like they do anyone else. Most likely the latter.

"It's better than staying here with that prick one more minute," I whispered to myself, taking my first step.

The water was frigidly cold, sending chills up my spine. I continue to walk into it, the water going further up my legs, causing me to have to hold my dress down or else it would float up. The cold water made my hairs stand on end, along with the thought of my inevitable death.

As I go deeper into the water, I see the prettiest face I've ever laid eyes on, Erin wasn't lying. She reaches her hand out to me.

"Hello, child, what brings you to our waters?" She inquires, taking my hand in hers, pulling me into higher waters, rougher waters.

"I've been out in this island, and Pan won't let me leave," I tell her, looking into her sea green eyes as if I'm in a trance, a sense of calmness and security overcoming my body.

Her grip tightens on my hand, but I don't notice because of her face, how beautiful she is. It's incredibly enchanting, her pale white skin, her sea green eyes, her shining black hair, and almost unnatural looking pink lips.

All of a sudden, I notice the strength of her grip as her face contorts into a whole new being. Her eyes become darker, and almost rotten looking fangs replace her perfect white teeth, and I feel her claw like nails digging into my wrist, "I can help you with that, dearie," she smiled an evil grin as she pulled me under the water.

Her clawed, boney hands moved to my neck, strangled the little air I had out of my body. She jerked me every which way until all of a sudden, something dives into the water.

She screeches, then swims away at an unbelievable speed. I see her rotting green tail flash away in an instant. I feel strong arms grab my waist and pull me out of the water, then the cold nights air hit my skin.

Along with that, I notice the searing pain of the open wounds being exposed to the salty air, on my neck, wrists and waist, and I cringe at the pain.

"Just suck it up," I hear a British voice that I never wanted to hear again whisper.

He, contrary to what I expected, laid me gently onto the sandy beach.

"Why would you do that?" He exclaimed pacing around me.

"Because I wanted off this island, because I didn't want to be around the likes of you, because I didn't want to be trapped in a stupid cage anymore!" I explained in anger, tears welling up in my eyes, "Why didn't you just leave me?" I screamed, my voice cracking on the end.

"Why didn't I just leave you?" He laughed, "Why didn't I just leave you? Huh? Well you would've been a meal for the mermaids, and that just motivates them, and we wouldn't want that, now would we? Now, I'm going to take you back to our camp, much to my dismay, use a little magic to fix up your mere cuts, because you're a whiny little girl who will pitch a fit over a scratch, and then we're going to play a game tomorrow. Do you like games, love, because I love a good game!"

"You'll see how much of a "whiny little girl" I am tomorrow. I don't care what it is, I'll win." I spoke with confidence, which earned a glare.

"So let me get this straight, I'm being so generous as to let you into my camp, fix up your wounds, and feed you, and you're going to repay me by being disrespectful?" He got in my face and glared at me, "Get up."

I slowly got up, wincing at the pain in my stomach, he rolled his eyes at me while muttering something inaudible. We walked back to the camp, and I decided that if I was going to have to stay her, I might as well ask a few questions.

"So where are we?" I asked.

"Neverland," he responded.

"Why am I here?" I questioned again.

"Purely a mistake. I was told that there was a supposed 'magically advanced child' in Storybrooke, and so I sent my shadow after him, not knowing the 'strong, magically advanced boy' would be a wimpy, weak girl." He explained, the hostility evident in his voice.

"I'm not wimpy, I'm very good at magic, thank you very much. I could heal myself if I wanted to." I informed him, my head held high.

He cocked an eyebrow at me, "Sure you could," he laughed.

I caused a tree to fall in front of me, calmly pulling the rude, startled boy back by his sleeve, then stepping over the tree.

I started walking again, stepping over the fallen tree, "What was that?" I smirked his way, but I was a little shocked when he disappeared.

I bumped into a strong build in front me me, then lost my footing and almost tripped over the tree I'd tipped. I them felt two calloused hands grab my waist.

"Watch where you're going, love," he whispered, too close to my face, then spun me around and pushed me forward.

"Now, continue on your way, or its back to the cages. And trust me, those are magic proof," he smirked at me, this time.

I rolled my eyes, "As if I didn't know that, it's not like I tried to get out using magic, or anything," I muttered.

He proceeded to shove me against a tree, "Listen," he started, holding me onto the tree, "I know you're new, and all, but I would have thought that you would have learned a lesson from earlier. Don't disrespect me, don't get an attitude, and don't talk back."

I transferred myself further into the woods, or at least I thought I did. I found myself in, well I guess his camp. There were tents all around me, and trees. I saw weapons, and food, along with what seemed to be a training room in the distance.

"So, you found our camp?" I hear a voice from behind me, making me jump slightly and electricity shoot from my finger tips, not strong enough to hurt anyone, but strong enough to scare someone.

"Now, let's get your wounds healed." He spoke, taking me to the middle of the clearing, he looked at my neck and arms questioningly, "Where'd the cuts go?"

"I told you, my magic heals me fast," I explained as if he was dumb.

He grabbed an animal skin from the inside of a tent, and laid it down, "This is where you'll sleep tonight. I'm going to try and negotiate with the shadow to take you back, but if not, I'll guess there won't be any getting rid of you, so we might as well train you."

He walked off before I could respond, and fucked (I mistyped sulked, but I'm just gonna leave this here.) into his tent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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