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Rating: SFW
hey yall
so I got bored so i made this
also i've only just recently found out how much i ship pharmercy so i decided to prove myself by writing this
this is only supposed to be one one shot but if yall want more i can deliver
here we goo
(pharah's POV)

I looked out of the window sleepily as the ship landed in the hangar. My eyes were barely open.

Lena was piloting; it wasn't a surprise. What was surprising, though, was that she was able to stay awake. I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one to have fallen asleep on the ride.

Our squad was returning from a successful escort in Numbani. It was composed of myself, Lena, Jack, Ana, Winston and Hanzo. Everyone else had stayed behind. We hadn't needed them; it would have been a waste of energy in case something else had happened.

That's why we had chosen to leave Reinhardt behind.

I'd fallen asleep at around 12:45 am and woke up at around 1:50 am. It was now 2:47 am. We had boarded the ship at 10:00 pm. I was glad no one had bothered to wake me up.

"Fareeha," I heard my mother's voice say. "Let's go." I groggily stood up. I had been so busy staring out the window that I hadn't realized everyone else had already left.

"Sorry, mother," I said, scratching the back of my neck and following her back to the building.

"It's quite understandable," Ana replied. "I'd fallen asleep as well."

So I wasn't the only one. "What's the jetlag?"

Ana shook her head. "It won't effect us. We weren't in Numbani for more than half a day."

"That's a relief, I suppose," I replied.

We entered the building and trekked to the second floor to get to the armory. I changed out of my combat armor and set down my rocket launcher. I changed into some black sweatpants and a gray t-shirt.

Admist my tired thoughts, I suddenly remembered the one thing I did every night.

Make sure Angela had actually gone to sleep.

I had made this one of my nightly duties. If she didn't get sleep, she would always be tired the next day as if she hadn't slept in months. I supposed it was stress and worry that caused this.

Once I finished in the armory, I wished everyone good night and departed toward the medical bay. If Angela wasn't in her office, I wouldn't disturb her. I didn't think she knew that, though.

As I approached the medical bay, I noticed a light shining from the back. So she was awake still. I became a bit frantic and walked faster. I paused outside of her office.

There was no typing, no frustrated grunts, no shuffling of papers. Maybe she was asleep.

That was a relief. The only other time this had happened was a few weeks ago, when I had first began to make sure she was asleep.

I had had to carry her to her room. She hadn't woken up, and if she did, she had been really good at faking being asleep. I opened the office door.

She was seemingly asleep; her head was facing away from me, her hand weakly sustaining a pen so that it looked like she was writing.

The pen wasn't moving, though. I couldn't help but smile. She always looked so cute when she was flustered with her work; once I had come in while she was awake and she had been staring at a piece of paper as if it said something that threatened the entire world.

I had found out that it was only Junkrat's physical results and he had an almost thrown shoulder. That had made me laugh- not at Angela, of course- but at how concerned she had been over something so small.

I approached her slowly and sighed quietly. I didn't want to disturb her. She looked so peaceful. I knew that I had to get her out of here, though. It wasn't good for someone to sleep hunched over like that. According to Angela, it caused back problems.

I removed the pen from her hand and put it inside a cup that held multiple other pens and pencils. I made sure nothing was on the computer that hadn't been saved. I wouldn't read it; only save it and close it.

The computer had a half written email draft. I saved it and shut off the computer, then moving back over to where Angela was.

I picked her up bridal style, making sure to not disturb her slumber. I used my elbow to flick off the lights as I left, not even bothering closing the door behind me. I had someone in my arms that I cared deeply about. I could come back to close the door.

As I began to climb the stairs that lead up to the second floor, where the armory was as well as some of the rooms, I felt Angela shift in my arms. I stopped and looked down at her. Her eyes had opened. My breathing hitched for a moment as she looked up at me.

"Fareeha?" she asked quietly.

I nodded, feeling my face heat up and my heart speed up. I didn't know if she knew I checked on her or not. I supposed she didn't.

"Yes," I replied. "I was just concerned that you weren't getting enough sleep."

She blinked. "I- Thank you," she stuttered a bit. "You didn't have to carry me, though- I-I could have walked to save you any more trouble."

"I didn't want to disturb you," I answered, keeping my voice quiet. My mother was probably still up. "It seems I have, anyway, though."

Angela paused. She hadn't asked me to put her down yet, which was a surprise. I slowly began to walk again. "Which way is your room again?" I asked, knowing perfectly well where it was, but just wanting to break the silence.

"It's on the left, the third one," she replied.

I nodded and took a left. I set her down in front of the third door. My face felt so warm that I wondered if it was noticably reddened through the darkness.

"I'm sorry I hadn't told you earlier," I said. "I didn't want you to be weirded out. I-I understand if you are now, of course-" I said.

Angela turned to me and cocked her head. She smiled at me. "I'm not weirded out, Fareeha," she said, lifting a hand to stroke my cheek lightly. "I'm grateful that you would care so much to do such a thing for me."

I felt my heart flutter. Before I could say anything in reply, she had yanked on my shirt and kissed me. I blinked a bit, surprised, but didn't resist. I closed my eyes as I felt her wrap her arms around my neck to pull me closer.

This was a surprise. Tonight had been an odd one; not that I was complaining, though.

We pulled away. Angela smiled and poked the tip of my nose. "See you tomorrow, schätzli," she whispered, entering her room.

I stood in the hallway for a moment, staring at her door. I had not been expecting that. At all. But I had liked it, more than I would have thought.

I finally pulled myself together and walked down the hallway to the right to my room.

I wondered if that had occured only was because she was intensely tired and couldn't think or because it was genuine.

God, I hoped it was genuine.

and that's about it! i hope you all enjoyed!
let me know if i should do more one shots for pharmercy or anything! i may make this an overwatch one shot book instead of just pharmercy.
let me know if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes; i got lazy and didn't read this one over. i probably will sometime.
have a good one!
if you've made it this far, thank you for reading!!

written in: 36 minutes
word count: 1,272

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