Chapter 12

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We're on our way back to Forks and the sun has now disappeared, replaced with the shine of the beautiful, full moon. The dark, night sky is such a comfort to me and it's probably because I am fully connected with it. I've always believed that there's magic in the night and long since before I became a Sailor Scout. When I was under Beryl's influence, I've always used the darkness as a cloak to creep about the night and spy on my now-current friends. However, now that I am a scout, there's no need to become a shadow and stalk about like a predator. That's a vampire's job, now. Sheesh.

"Tell me, Edward," I say. "How did you know I would be here in Port Angeles?"

"I suppose it would be a sort of intuition that I had." He replies.

"Not good enough." I say. "You're a vampire, damn it, so you have sources of all sorts."

A wry grin crosses his face. He's intentionally being vague! I hate it! I'm used to getting my information in a very straightforward manner. Damn it! He chuckles and at my expense. He's enjoying this far too much!

"I suppose you're right. Let's just say I received some intelligence about your plight."

"Oh? Where did you get that information?"

"That's classified."

"Stop being so evasive! It's driving me mad!"

Edward chuckles again before he admits to following me. He never had to keep track of one person before, much less one whose thoughts were blocked off from him and possessed gifts of her own, but he refused to let that stop him. Once he had realized that I had disappeared from his sight, he started to drive around in search of me...and that was when he caught the thoughts of one of the men that had been stalking me. He had been prepared to jump in and rip the men into bits before I handled them on my own.

"I thought I would be a knight in shining armor saving a damsel in distress." He finishes.

"I'm no damsel in distress."

I pull out my power stick and it's gently pulsing in my hand, indicating the danger that's nearby--meaning the driver of the vehicle I'm in. Edward's golden eyes peer at it in curiosity before telling him that it's my source of becoming Sailor Night. I had received it from when Serenity had still been a princess. This power stick is one of my most precious possessions. The only thing that's greater than that is my friendship with her and her court.

"It's pulsing."

"It senses danger...from you, that is."

His youthful face darkens and I'm sorry for souring his mood. It only reminds him of the creature that he is. I know that he wishes that he didn't exist. I feel the same way as he does...monstrous. We despise our own existence in this world. I sigh. Perhaps I should tell him about what I have done in the past. He'll probably hate me but why should I care of his opinion? I'm used to being shunned anyway...though I'd rather he didn't.

"Sometimes, I wish you had let that van hit me." I say.

Edward looks over at me, horrified.

"You have no idea what I have done in the past, prior to my becoming a Sailor Scout. I wish you could have ended me."

"What nonsense do you speak of?"

"I am a monster, Edward. Like you, I am not human."

I feel a rising sense of panic and despair. The images of seeing my own hand impaled through Sailor Moon's chest. I see images of the battle with Chaos. So much death and destruction! I can no longer talk. My heart is beating so fast as key images of the first and last major battle come back to me. Takuya's death also comes back to me and the need to scream and run overwhelms me. My guilt from both events is starting to eat me up. I rip off my seat belt and try to open the car door.

"Let me out!" I cry. "I don't want to be here!"

Before I knew it, Edward is holding me and shushing me. I hadn't realized that he had even stopped me, much less pulled the car over. Nothing had registered. His angelic voice starts to lull me to sleep as he soothes me. My body starts to relax before I surrender to the darkness. For the first time since my friends' untimely deaths, I felt safe and secure.


I'm startled to wake up to the typical gray sky and the familiar surroundings of my apartment. I remember most of last night right up to the point of trying to discuss certain things with Edward before my memories stop there. I sigh. I must have had a panic attack. I haven't had any of those in quite awhile. Normally, exercise is what helps me keep my sanity in check but last night's events weren't really enough I suppose.

What time is it?

I look at the clock and it's noon. No point in going to school now. I get up and I'm still in the clothes from the day before. How did I even get into my apartment? I try to look for clues for my question but the answer appears in the form of one Edward Cullen, who's sitting at the edge of my bed. He has my books and a folder full of homework assignments. 

"Good noon, sunshine." He says pleasantly. "I trust you slept well?"

"I did, thank you. How did you...?"

"I told you. I have sources."

I smile. He's being evasive again but I don't feel like arguing with him. I don't feel like doing much at all. He hands me my books. I look up at him in surprise. For a vampire that seemingly puts up with moods swings, he's been really sweet and I can't really complain about that. I sit up in bed, quickly checking any missed calls (there were a few) before turning my attention to my caregiver.

"You had a very violent panic attack last night."

"Ah, that explains why I can't remember the rest of the car ride."

"Come. Breakfast is waiting." Edward says. "My mother made something up for you while you slept."

"Gee, that's very kind of her."

"Esme, my mother, is a sweetheart."

Edward and I head over to the kitchen and the glorious smell of bacon and eggs and pancakes fill the air. I hadn't eaten anything since that fiasco last night so the table full of food is a welcome sight. I almost offer my companion something to eat before remembering his non-human status. I giggle before sitting down to eat.

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