Entry One

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The Start,

Some people fear death and others longed for it, but me, I was somewhere in the middle.

I didn't exactly want to die, but if I walked onto the road and a car was about to hit me, I wouldn't try and get out of the way. I didn't fear death but I didn't exactly long for it either. It was a strange feeling, I was more accepting of it; I guess you could say.

That was until he walked into my life. He flipped everything upside down, he made my head hurt and my heart bleed, not always in a romantic or painful way, in a way filled with sorrow. Not for myself, but for him. Something about him drew me in and sucked the life out of me and sometimes it felt like he was breathing the very oxygen I needed to survive into me, but then he left. Leaving me gasping for breath, wanting nothing more than death itself to consume me. Wanting death to leave me cold and lifeless on my bedroom floor, or in the middle of the woods where nobody would find me, where nobody would know that I, Aurora Sharp, was left so mortally wounded by a single boy.


"Have you seen him?"

I was asked that question more times than I'd had cereal for breakfast on the morning of October 13th.

"Seen who?"

Was my reply each and every time I was asked that damned question, then whoever I was talking to would roll their eyes and blow out a breath of air in frustration at my blatant lack of knowledge on the new boy everybody already seemed entrapped with.

"The new kid, tall with dark hair and pretty green eyes?" They more begged than asked in frustration and even added an over dramatised hand motion, like I should know exactly who they were talking about and be ready to try and figure out his back story after just one glimpse of him.

I would shake my head no and they would drop the subject of him. My curiosity peaked some what though, after I had left my third class of the day and walked into the cafeteria. There was still the blended sound of the cliques and groups of friends sitting at the tables spread around the room conversing, but there was a new buzz of excitement that just seemed to hit you as you walked into the room.

Sitting down at the table where my friends had situated themselves, I finally found out who 'him' was. A fair skinned boy with a mop of curly black hair and green eyes. Piercing, mesmerising and snake like. There was something about him, from just that first glance that made me uncertain of him. Made my gut instinct kick in and scream at me to run in twenty different languages; but no. I stayed right there and introduced myself, even shook his out stretched hand and included him in group jokes.

If I could go back, I would, I'd have run a million miles just to get away from the emotional roller coaster I hadn't realised I'd just boarded. The ride only stopped when you were completely, utterly destroyed and torn apart from the inside. He broke my faith in people, my trust and my heart, all in a matter of a month. Some will read this and call me foolish and naive, stupid even.

I whole heartedly agree with those people, I was possibly the most foolish, naive and definitely the most stupid person that had ever lived after I got involved with him. Even now, the thought of him made me crave him by my side and crave even more distance from him than was already between us.

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