Entry Two

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His voice sounded so sweet yet so poisonous when he would say my name and I loved it.

I loved the rush I got every time he was near, pushing the nagging thought of heart break out of my mind. He drove like a bat out of hell and I loved it even more than when my name rolled out of his mouth and dispersed into nothingness.

The wind flying through my hair, the thump of my heart beating as adrenaline coursed through my veins, like I said, the thrill.

I'd gaze at the side of his face and he would look at me from the corner of his eye, a dangerous grin carving itself onto his face, he knew what he was doing to me from the very beginning. He had planned to do this all along; I was just the unsuspecting victim that had her doubts but was won over quickly by his sweet talking mouth and even sweeter kisses.

Even now to this day, I don't think he is sorry for a single second of what he did to me. What he put me through. He loved the game, the pain he put me through; maybe even more so than I loved him. The excitement I felt because of his very presence. He was suffocating but in a way that you would welcomely give your last breath for.

Some days, he had this child like innocence, this child like wonder that made you think the world was a place of beauty, excitement and every minute was another chance to explore or to discover something new. Other days he was a mind boggling puzzle that felt like you would never solve, and I never did.

The worst days though, were the ones where you felt pity for him. It was like a big wave of sadness had crashed over him and tears would always be in his eyes, a haunting sadness would radiate off him in fatal waves and if you weren't careful, that sadness pierced you like a bullet shot from a gun at close range.

Yeah, those were definitely the worst days to be around him. But it was all fake. A facade, just another part of his twisted little game.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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