Weirdmeggedon: Cynda's Thoughts Part 1

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"Well, you've certainly done it now, Bill; I hope you're happy"

"RUN! THE EYEBALL BATS ARE COMING THIS WAY!" I heard one of the townsfolk scream. I picked up a random tennis racket I found lying on the ground and swatted them away. "RUN! RUN AND DO NOT TURN BACK!" I told the people that I had just protected

"Time to get this over with!" I said as I took my racket and trudged off too the main square where there was a huge gathering of some townsfolk were complaining to a certain demonic triangle, which I considered my "boyfriend"

"MY NAME'S BILL! BUT YOU CAN CALL ME YOUR NEW LORD AND MASTER FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!" my reaction was almost subconscious my hand slapped against my face.

"We punch what we don't understand!" Manley Dan screamed emphasizing the point of what he said by breaking a mailbox in half

"Ha ha, flashback" I laughed really loudly thankfully Bill was distracted 'talking' to Preston


"Uh! What the hell? where the hell did you come form?!" I scream at the person that just popped up at me, out of no where

"Oh, the name's, Bill. Are you lost?"

"What? *Blows raspberry* Yeah, as if" I said waving him off

"Oh, yeah?" He asked "Then where are you?" 

"Um... In the middle of the forest?" I tried he chuckled lightly and smiled at me

"I'll help you find your way into town"

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