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(5) messages from: Loulou

"Sorry about Liam, he always manages to 'cockblock' me and my friends."

"Not that we were having phonesex or anything... like.. well you know what I mean.."

"I mean sometimes I wonder why we are even friends because he is an asshole.."

"But then again I am too."

"Are you ignoring me or just being your oblivious self?"

Harry sighed and thanked god that Louis couldn't see that he had seen the messages. He really didn't know what to do, because Louis didn't know he knew about Liam being his boyfriend. He decided to ask Gemma, because she knew how to piss someone off, make someone confused or mad, and truthfully Harry didn't mind making Louis confused, concidering what he had done to Harry.

"Gemma! I need your help!" Harry shouted from his bed. He knew it was worthless to try because Gemma wasn't a morning person, but it was worth a shot.

"What do you bloody want 9 o'clock in the morning when I am having a day off?" Gemma screamed back, sounding annoyed.

"Louis texted me! I don't know what to answer!" Harry shouted back. Suddenly he heard Gemma groan, and footsteps. Harry hid behind his pillows, because you never knew about her when it was in the morning. Suprisingly she came, wrapped in her blanket like a burrito, in piece, and jumped on the bed and groaned.

"So what did he say?" She asked, or yawned, whatever you prefer to describe it.

"Umh, well this." Harry said, shoving the phone into Gemma's hands. She quickly read the messages, and shrugged in disaproval.

"Well he isn't trying to tell you either way, so if I were you I'd write something like, 'you'll get an answer when you decide to be honest'" Gema suggested, and Harry typed it in, because honestly he wouldn't come up with anything else.

"And now, lil' brotha, we're going to eat good ol' breakfast!" Gemma exclaimed in a fake american accent, again failing horribly, making Harry cringe.

"Nah, I am going to the gym, because I have work in the evening so your good ol' breakfast can wait. And you still do a horrible job at that accent. Watch like a youtube video and learn or something." Harry said, earning a smack on his head. Then Gemma groaned.

"I have to come too, because it sucks to workout alone!" She complained, making Harry smirk. They slowly but steady got ready, and left for the gym. Working out was one of the things Harry loved to do to relieve the stress he was having and seeing the results made him even more determined to keep in shape. (And there is a video of Harry in the gym from earlier ths year, you're very welcome)

Usually they showered at home, because the gym was only five minutes from their place, but today they decided to shower at the gym, and go to breakfast afterwards. So, after they were done, they left the gym, and walked to their regular breakfast/lunch place, Barney's.

Right after they moved to their current place, they went exploring, and found their gym, and bought a membership, well Harry bought for both of them because Gemma was sceptical she would go, and after that they discovered Barney's, and after their miraculous lunch there they joked they would come there always after gym, to get back the calories they had burned.

Barney's had many vegan options, which Harry was really thankful of. Now he ordered the usual green smoothie, and a vegan sandwhich. Gemma snorted at his choise as usual, and ordered pancakes and a tea. Harry had had his coffee before gym, and any extra caffeine would not be good for him.

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