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"I-I have something to tell you guys." Liam had whispered timidly one night during one of their annual family suppers. His dad leaned over the table in curiosity and quirked a bushy eyebrow.

" Does it have to do with your grades? Did you fail that math quiz is told you to study for?" He asked, voice rising in concern. Ruth giggled from where she was hunched over her potatoes.

" No! Uh- I mean it's not... it's... I'm gay." He blurted out, Bitting his already torn lip. silence fell over the family as Liam slid down in his chair even more.

"Gay? Since when?!" his dad growled, squeezing his fork. Liam opened his mouth to reason and even suck up a bit but was cut off.

"That is disgusting and unnatural! I will not tolerate it, Liam!" He shouted, startling Nicola where she had been staring intently at her lap. Liam felt his eyes well up with tears.

"Dad... please...don't do this..." He cried, giving his mom a pleading look. she wouldn't meet his eyes and hers seemed to be a bit teary also and glazed over.

"Leave." More tears were streaming down Liam's face at his dad's words. He gave a light nod and pushed his chair out, running for the staircase and into his room.

His vision was blurred as he tossed clothes and toiletries into his backpack at a rushed pace. laying down on his stomach, he reached under his bed and pulled out his savings box, his two hundred dollars saved for a car being carelessly shoved in his bag. taking a glance at his side table he saw his picture of him and Niall, his old best friend, and tossed that in the bag also.

Once packed and ready, he ran down stairs, past the yelling of his patents and his crying sisters, swinging the front door open and bolting into the mild march air without a second glance.


This is really just a flashback to hold everyone off while I write the second chapter.

Sorry for taking so long,

-Hannah x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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