The Stone Part 12

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Look but can't touch
Speak but not too much
Hurt and confuse
Me and my jumbled up muse
They all want to fuse
And I realize that I'm going to lose

Mind blanked out for a second
Thoughts like these are considered as a weapon
Left all alone
With nothing but beds of stone
Looked off in the distance I see a throne
Surrounding the throne is alot of bones
Turned around when I heard a painful moan
Trying to find it but realized that it was my own

Looked at my stomach I see blood running down
Looked up when I heard a sound
Felt my heart started to pound
When I saw that a girl had walked to me with a frown
Sat on her head was a crown
Sticking out of my stomach was a big size stone which was round
Wondering how that could cause a big cut but was shocked at what I found
Sharp spikes shooting out of the stone; then and there I wished that I hadn't came to this town

Thoughts of the Hopeful & Broken OnesWhere stories live. Discover now