Yu-Gi-Oh! Chapter Two

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Parts of the past

"Ugh, I'm so tired...I don't wanna get up..." I groaned sitting up.
After all the drama from last night, I was physically and emotionally drained, didn't wanna get up at all.
I was falling back asleep again when the man on the speaker spoke.

"All duelist make your way to the front of the ship. 1 hour till we arrive at Duelist Kingdom."
"Ugh now I have to get up..."
I got up brushed my hair then put on my favourite outfit since I only brought 2.

I put a dark red tank top on, brown hoodie and light grey shorts.
I grabbed my deck stuck it in a little pouch I had and ran outside.
I looked to be the first one there, I grabbed the railing closed my eyes and just let the wind blows in my face.

"Ahem, hey ____." Yugi smiled walking over to me.
"Huh? Oh hi Yugi, Pharaoh." I smiled back, waving my hand.

"Looks like we are the first ones out."
Yugi said trying not to let the small talk die out.
Yami seemed pretty out of it today.
I wonder what's wrong.
Yugi was just smiling while looking ahead. The island was still not visible to the naked eye.

I went back to closing my eyes and feeling the wind.
Yugi grabbed my hand, when I opened my eyes we were somewhere else?
"U-um Yugi where did you take me?" I asked looking at this dark hall we were now in.
"Follow me, the Pharaoh and I need to ask you some questions." Yugi said with a straight face.
"You sound like a police man saying that Yugi, haha." I giggled as bit nervous.

Yugi grabbed my hand and led me down a dark hallway. We came to two doors.
The One on the left side was opened, it had toys everywhere, very untidy and was basically a child's playroom of chaos.
The one on the right however was closed, a steal door that looks pretty heavy.
Yugi led me to the one that was closed. He opened the door, it was a huge maze! It had steps everywhere and doors!

Oh no! That must mean I'm in the Millennium Puzzle! Crap! That means Yami is in here and I can't leave unless he let's me!
"Hello _____, glad you can join us." Yami said sitting in some steps looking at me.
"H-hello Ya-Pharaoh...." I stuttered, already freaking out.
I looked off to the side trying to not make eye contact with Yami.

Yugi coughed awkwardly to try and break the silence. "Well Pharaoh, ____ I'll leave you two alone. I need to get some food anyways. Have fun you two!" He spoke quickly while leaving.
"Wait! Yugi......!"
I tried shouting to him to make him stay but he left. Leaving me and Yami alone....

"Ahem, so ____...you're part of my past aren't you?" Yami asked standing up and stretching.
"Yes...yes I am Yami..." I replied still looking anywhere here, but him.
"Ahhh so you even know one of my names?" Yami asked with a slight grin.
"Of course I do! You'd always get annoyed if I didn't call you that." I replied quickly taking a glance at him.
"Haha oh really? ____ I know you can't tell me alot...but could you at least show me who you are to me?"

"Hmm let's see...sure you didn't make me promise to not show you who I am! Ok let's see, MILLENNIUM HEART SHOW ME WHAT I WANT TO SEE!"
A bright light surrounded Yami and I then we were in Ancient Egypt. We were ghosts though so no one could see us.

I grabbed his hand and led him to a certain part of the palace. The royal garden. We heard a male voice, I grabbed Yami's hand and hid be hide some bushes.

"____ where are you!" A male yelled.
A woman giggled hiding somewhere.
"Hmm I guess my love isn't here. Man I wanted to give her this chocolate cake...but I guess I'm gonna have to eat it myself...to bad this is sooo yummy. Oh well." The man chuckled walking away.

"WAIT YAMI! I WANT CAKE! I'M HERE! I'M IN THE TREE!" The female yelled jumping outta the tree.
"Ahhh there's my queen! Oh and there isn't a chocolate cake...I made that up..." Yami chuckled.
"You made it up......SETOOOOOO!" The Queen me yelled running into the palace.

"Wait! ____! Don't tell Seto on me he'll tell me off and give me a lecture if you do!"
Yami yelled Chasing Queen me.

Me and Yami followed our self's to where they were heading. Egyptian me found seto in the hall.

"Seto! Yami lied to me he said he had chocolate cake when he didn't!"
Queen me whinned.
"Oh he did, did he?" Seto looked at Queen me and patted my head with sympathy.
"I don't have chocolate cake!" Queen me looked down sulking.
"O-oh hey Seto..." Yami ran over to them, nervously.
"Pharaoh you've seemed to have upset ____." Seto said looking down at Yami.
"O-oh really....." Yami stuttered.
"Now as punishment for making her cry you have to do everything she wants you to do." Seto said looking down at old me.
"Yay!!!!" Old me cheered.
"But Seto!" Yami protested.
"No 'buts' Pharaoh." Seto said sternly.

Our Egyptian selves left the room cheering quietly.
"Haha we did it Yami! Now we can have the day off!" Queen me cheered.
"Yes you did very well at acting that out." Yami smiled.
"Awww thank you! Now let's leave and go explore around town!"
"Good idea my love."

We...our royal selves left the palace wearing capes to hide their identity.
They walked around whilst me and Yami followed. Just then queen me saw a little girl, she looked like she was about to be made a slave.
Princess me ran up to the little girl while another man was walking up to her with chains.

"There you are my darling child! I've been worried sick! I thought I lost you my darling!" Princess me said acting like a mother.
"Is this child yours?" The man asked.
"Yes she is! I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make my child a slave!" Royal me said coldly.

"My love? Oh there you are ____!" Pharoah said looking at the situation.
"Oh! Yami! I just found lulu! We don't have to search anymore or beloved daughter has been found!" Royal me said happily as fake tears streamed down princess me's face.
"That's great! Lulu come to daddy!"
Yami said catching on quickly.
The slave man walked off.

"Thank you very much Miss and Mr.!" The little girl hugged them.
"Haha, You're welcome little girl. My name is ____, and this raskull here is Yami. Would you like anything to eat?" Royal me asked.
The litte girl let out a gasp, " Yes please!"

Royal us got the girl some food and gave her money. Then we walked off. Me and Yami still hiding we followed them for the rest of the day till we came back to the palace.
Our past selves finally went to bed.
"Goodnight my Queen."
"Goodnight my King."
Our past selves kissed then fell asleep.

Me and Yami appeared back in the Millennium Puzzle.
"That's all I can show you Yami." I said looking down.
"Thank you, _.....my Queen." Yami said smiling a bit.
My eyes widened when he said the two words 'my Queen'.
"Y-your welcome my King..." I stuttered, as I avoided eye contact with Yami. He then walked towards me and lifted my chin up. I still did my best to avoid eye contact.
"Look at me." His deep husky voice demanded.
I slowly looked up at him, meeting his purple eyes. We started leaning in for a kiss, but we were interrupted by the sound of the ship.

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