Part 3

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Manik and Nandini with parents reach their house. Nandini was getting out of car but Manik stops her. "What happen?," she asks. "Let's meet at my house in evening, then go for clubbing and drink, what say?," he asks. "OK fine," she agrees and goes. Later MaNan with Nandini's parents meet at Manik's house. They hug each other as they meet. "Let's have a talk in my room," he says and they go in his room. She sits on his bed. "I did shopping for you," she tells.

"What did you brought? Tee-shirt with monster printed on it?," he asks sitting in front of her. "No," she says and giggles. "Then what?," he asks. "Close your eyes," she says and he closes his eyes, she takes his hand in her hand and smiles keeping a pocket pendant in his hand. "Now you can open them," she says and he does so and looks at the pendant. "This is the gift?," he asks opening it. "Yes, keep your girlfriend's pic in it," she says. "Girlfriend? But you know my anger, who will be my girlfriend?," he asks dramatically. "We are going for clubbing, let's see how many girls you get," she says and he picks a pillow and hits her, she too hits him, the fight continues and they end up hugging each other. Someone comes and punches Manik slightly on his arm.

He parts away from Nandini. Its a girl with long rolled hair with a tomboy look. "You are meeting her alone? You didn't even tell us ha? Hi Nandini," she first teases Manik and then greets Nandini forwarding her hand for a handshake. "Who are you?," she asks. She drops her hand. "She's..," Manik says but is cut in between. "Don't tell her, let her guess," she says and sits beside her. "Hmm so guess who m I?," she asks. "Mukti," she says and they hug each other after Mukti nods in positive. "Dhruv and others are outside," Mukti tells her. "Ok so I will go and meet them," she says passing a smile to each of them and goes.

Nandini sees a girl and two boys sitting on the couch in the hall. The girl was wearing a pink tight dress which was backless and thigh length, she had long hair and wore natural makeup, she was Alia. One of the boys was wearing a yellow hoodie and white jeans with a cap, he was Dhruv. Other boy was wearing a striped tee-shirt with blue jeans, he was Cabir. "Hey guys, remember me?," she sats cheerily. "Nandini, monster's best friend?," asks Cabir. "Yes and you might be Cabir, am I right?," she asks. "Yes, he's Dhruv and she's Alia," she says and they share a hug. After a long session of chit chat, Nandini goes after bidding bye to everyone of them.

Soon night approaches, Nandini was looking for a dress to wear. Finally she gets a dress and goes to change.
She wears a black short dress with pink hearts printed on it, she wore silver earrings, black bracelet and ball necklace with black wedges with pearls.

 She wears a black short dress with pink hearts printed on it, she wore silver earrings, black bracelet and ball necklace with black wedges with pearls

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She gets a message by Manik to come outside her house, she goes and sees a black mercedes, she watches as the window slides down. Manik pokes out his head and gestures her to come. She goes and sits beside him closing the door and he drives off. After three hours, Nandini was fully drunk. It was time to head home. Manik was dancing with a girl who kissed him again and again, Nandini goes to him and pulls him away. They walk towards the exit, Nandini stumbled the third time and Manik holds her keeping his arm around her arms. She looks at him fully drunk and smiles. "Pick me up," she says and he picks her in his arms. She pulls his cheek. "Cutie boy, such a cute monster you are, so did u got any gf?," she asks. "Nope, I got a friend," he says. "No she was kissing you, you are only mine," she says shocking him and making him smile both at the same time.

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