Chapter One

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M: Milton T: Theresa (Tess) F: Fred

A snowy day in December

Milton on the Godwins' Porch

M: *takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell*

~ less than a minute later

F: *opens the door* Well hello there, Milton! Thanks for stopping by after all this time... Wasn't expecting a visit from THE MAYOR at this time of year...

M: *british accent* Hello, Fred. Theresa is home now, isn't she?

F: *irritated* Of course she is!! *rolls eyes*

M: *rolls eyes too* It's just business! And of a great importance that is!

F: Well why don't you come in... My "old" friend?! *ironic*

M: 10 years... Never mind! *angry a little*

F: Oh and we were just having "afternoon tea" *ironic*

M: Oh bloody hell, Fred! Stop it, will you? *lets himself in*

F: *rolls eyes and closes the door*
*leads Milton to the study as he's humming "hello darkness my old friend..."*

M: *pretends he doesn't hear* There she is!

F: Aha. *leaves while still humming*

M: *coughs*

T: *irritated* No need for that, Milton I saw you!!!

M: We need to talk, Dr Godwin!

T: I know, YOU have been acting absolutely "wonderful" recently... Stabbing a cop in the hand with a kitchen knife?! Unexpected, even from YOU! Knowing...

M: *angry* YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! You're not my therapist anymore! And I'm here about something else!

T: *bored* I'm listening...

M: *still angry* That bloody chipped teacup! That "BLOODY BLUE MOON"!

T: *a bit surprised* What?! That was many years ago...

M: *sad now* and you, the most brilliant psychologist of the city despite your age, *angry again* it's all your fault!!!

T: *afraid* those things have passed, Milton! And how is it POSSIBLY, MY fault?! I was only helping... I couldn't let your father just...

M: *angry* You should have let him stay in that freaking mental hospital forever!! You should have let him DIE in there!

T: *looks at the tiny, barely noticeable scar on Milton's forehead* I...

M: He deserved it! He wanted to scalp me! He nearly killed poor Sandra too!

T: I know, Milton! I was his...

M: *shouts* Freaking Hypnotist!!! Why did you hypnotize him to act sane? Why?

T: *scared* Please!!! I was only helping... I didn't want you to have that horrible life and...

M: And you made it a living hell. There isn't a single night I don't have nightmares about either that or Brezhnova's Letter!!!

T: I don't get your point... You shouldn't have written "Bloody Blue Moon" at the bottom of a chipped teacup and kept it in a chest in the home library in your room!!! Poor Sandra... Anyone would suspect a chest among books Milton! And, that LAW of yours for not entering your room was absolutely stupid... All the little siblings do that!
About Anna... I repeat what I have said many times... You should have never seduced that poor girl....

M: I was only 20 at the time of the bloody blue moon... Not everyone is that wise at that age! I had to study, I had nothing else to worry about... I never knew why me visiting my mother was so horrible it made dad go crazy like that... I have to know, because now, Sandra is in trouble too... Someone is stalking her, and he left a note that he knew things about this sordid bloody blue moon! Here's the note! *hands over crumpled note with tea stains*
As for Brezhnova... I did not seduce her... She charmed me! She does that to everyone! That stupid police officer, that freaking Italian painter, and now the damn lawyer Bingley!!! That stupid lawyer is so in love he doesn't know what he's doing... I am the mayor!! Who is stupid enough to take the case of a girl who wants to incriminate the mayor?!

T: Milton, you ARE a criminal! Why do you think it's okay to stab Officer Peota?! Just because of his skin color?! Racism was what you hated most about your father, and now, you're just like him!!! Sooner or later, you'll be behind bars! And unlike now, it will be in the papers, on TV, everywhere! You can't live the rest of your life in secret, and keep breaking innocent women's hearts!!! *still hasn't read the note*

M: *shouts* innocent?! *lowers voice* I can't see how... That "Pocahontas" is a murder suspect, and she keeps threatening my sister... I wish I had enough power to put her in prison! And as for Brezhnova... God knows what she does with all those chemicals she makes?!! Give them to murderers for free?! Or is she the one who poisoned Pong?! That, I should ask you and your dear husband, anyone who steps into that amphitheater or that circus, becomes involved in a crime! And your daughter... The lover of the executed "czech mate"... These crimes are all inspired by your works... All of it! Your plays! Fred's shows! The Brezhnova Family's artwork and literature! Amy's weird attractions...

T: *so angry* You're a psycho! How dare you say such stuff?! No one messes with my family and friends!!! I don't care if you're the mayor, get out now!!! Get out or I'll call the cops... And the reporters!!!

M: I will never forget this, Godwin!!! *storms off*

F: *comes in* My God! What was that?!

T: Our beloved mayor... Our "friend"
*too ironical and so sad*

*phone rings*

F: it's Amy! *picks it up* Hello dear!

Amy: Hey dad! Just wanted to say that we'll be there in an hour!

F: *smiles* that's great!! See you then!! Bye dear, take care!! *hangs up quick as he sees Theresa about to cry*

T: *reaches for the note* *is tempted to throw it in the fireplace* *throws it at Fred*

F: *catches* *sits next to Theresa and takes her hand* My darling...

T: *isn't about to cry anymore* I really don't want to talk about this, Fred!

F: *serious* I know... I just have to say this: Milton's days are over! As soon as Brezhnova and Bingley win the case, the news will spread, and dear Mayor Stark will go to prison, if not, there will be an uprising!

T: *ironic* Well thank you very much Mr Godwin. You made it worse... An uprising!

F: I'm sorry, Theresa!

T: *smiles* it's okay, Fred... Please put that damn note away now.

F: *puts it in his pocket* It's important... But we'll get to it later.
*starts to get up*

T: *takes his hand* I love you Fred!

F: And you are my eternal love. *kisses her cheek* *gets up and start setting the table*

T: *gets up and starts making salad*

~~to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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