Corrupted. [Part II: On The Run]

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(If you haven't read Corrupted, make sure to check out the first part x)

  This is the continuing of Corrupted, Part II: On The Run.
Part I was to introduce the characters and mostly give a back story, Part II of Corrupted will be Jade and Zayn on the run.. and everything along the way. You'll see just exactly how Zayn has Corrupted her, and how it's effected her life.
  As you read keep in mind, everything is not as it seems.
  If you don't like something that's happening, remember... things change.
 New main characters will be introduced and a lot will change dramatically in this next part.
 Also, this Part of Corrupted is probably going to be the longest out of all the parts.

  Thanks for reading and looking forward to share my story with you xx

This story is written 100% by me. Everything is original. However, I was inspired by a specific series, but it's in my own perspective.
If you steal my story, I will make sure it gets deleted. x

*This story gets violet and sexual at times, wattpad made me rate it R
so please read at your own risk!

Corrupted. [Part II: On The Run]Where stories live. Discover now