Today I Was Killed Part One

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*This is my first story, I'm sorry if it isn't that good, but it gets better after part one*

I'm dead. Just a week ago, I was a normal 17 year old living girl. Today, I was killed. I'm in pain thinking of what happened earlier today, but it started all last night. I remember it very clearly. Earlier the day before, I went to school, I took the bus home, when my friends got off, I didn't realize it would have been the last time that I would see them and be able to talk to them. They got off the bus, they said goodbye, but it would be nice to talk to them again, to hear their voices, to listen to them reassuring me that everything was going to be alright.

I walked to the next block, third house from the right, dark shutters and light paint.

"Bring....Bring!" the doorbell was music to my ears, the average Tuesday night.

"Doors open," I hear Mrs. Evans yell to me. Every Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Evans go to meetings, and I watch their three kids for a few hours.

I walked in "Amy!" I hear Zack, one of the kids yell before almost knocking me down into a hug. If he were a little older, this would be so awkward, even though it was now. I wrangle the other two kids into the carriage before getting my check from their parents. They remind me they will pick them up at my place around 5, until then, I had to watch three little brats, fun!

I walk home, my legs about to wear out. "Can't wait till they can be trusted to walk," I mumble to myself. I turn the corner and almost run into Caspar, the bad boy of the school, the one I have had the biggest crush on sense the seventh grade. You know they type of guy who your parents always remind you to stay away from. I peaked into the carriage, the kids were sleeping. Perfect!

"Hey," I found myself saying.

"Hey, what's up?" his voice, so deep and sexy.

"Nuttin," I said, trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

"So, you're not doing anything tonight?" he asked.

"I'm free at 5:30," I said, ready to burst to excitement!

"KK, so we'll hang out at your place, I hear your parents aren't home this week."

"Yeah, out of town." I said to him, "well I have to go now, see you later."

"Later." I watched him leave.

Wow, I mouthed. I couldn't help to notice the smile that crosses my face.

"Amy!" I hear Janie yell, "June just spit up!"

"Ok, ok!" I yell at Janie for bringing me back to reality. I picked up the baby and grabbed a wipe from the back of the carriage, cleaning what I could. I strapped June back into the seat, before again starting to walk home. The walk is not so long any more with something to look forward to.

I walk up to my front door and search through my purse for the keys. I passed a cell phone, wallet, and lip gloss. Finally I found what felt cold and odd shaped: my key. I unlocked the door and grabbed the carriage and pushed it through the front door. I picked the kids out and let them run wild, and picked up the baby and brought her and the diaper bag to the bathroom, I quickly give her a bath, and the change her.

After I put the baby in the play pen, and set the kids up watching TV, I run to the kitchen to make some dinner. I put a pizza in the oven and then go clean up the house for Caspar. Anything I found out of place I hide in a closet or up on in shelves. I grabbed a cleaner for glass and start on the windows; everything had to be perfect for him, just the right mood for everything to slip into place. Then I went to my room to make my bed. I change the sheets and the comforter, something that looked more mature. I pick out the right everything, clothes- red and sexy dress, shoes-golden high heels.

Before I went down stairs, I locked my door to make sure that the kids don't get in there and mess up my clothes. I go to the living room to check on them, I knew I shouldn't let them stay down their alone, little kids can get into so much trouble with things they can get their hands on, and they could even hurt the baby. With these thoughts my heart started to race, I look up to see that the kids are just fine. Relief runs through my veins, then I had no idea why, but I had a feeling that something extremely wrong would happen that day. I had no clue how right I would be. I turned on Barney and lie down on the couch to relax.

I took out my cell phone and started to text everyone about what was happening that night. Nobody was on. That was a first. There was always someone on to text to. Then, I looked up.

"Let go of that!" I yelled instinctively at Zack. I ran up to him and grabbed the gun from his hand. "Don't you dare play with this again!" I took the gun back to the volt. I saw the key on ground. I slammed the door shut and grabbed the key to lock it. "Where did you find this?" I asked, holding up the key to him. Silence. "Where did you find this?" I repeated.

"I found it on the ground! I'm sorry! I wanted to know what was in the volt! When I saw the gun, I thought it was my toy gun! I thought it was mine!" Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he cried for simpathy.

"That is not a toy!" I yeld some more," I don't ever want to see you play with that! Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'll never touch it!" I saw past those moist eyes into his evil. I see the ways that he pushes the rest of his family around, but it wouldn't let him get away with it. The way he got everything he wants.

"Good," I said, putting the key in my back pocket. I walked back to the couch, this time I decided to keep a closer eye on them. After that, I thought the strange feeling in my stomach would go away, but it didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2010 ⏰

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