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New year's eve

On the night of new years eve your Sat back on the couch putting your feet up to a electric fire your kids are sat next to you lying down on your thighs you have a glass of wine in one hand and the tv remote in the other you start flicking through the channels when you see Charlotte (anime) you wake your kids up screaming.

Y/n:"kids do you know this anime it's so amazing I love it."

Rose:"mum we were a sleep."

As th  kids rubs there eyes and sit up you start to play the first episode. Everyone is looking at you while your Sat there eating popcorn on the edge of the couch everyone was thinking how can she be interested in this day caught of crap.

Y/n: scream! Omg otosaka he is so cute."

Yuri:"I prefer watching yaoi with Alicia even though I hate it."

Y/n:"shut up its just that you have to get into it."

4 episodes later you are crying on the couch cuddling the pillow."

Rose:"this is boring."

Y/n:"show some respect ayumi has just died."

Leorio:"you know it's not real."

Y/n:"you watch high school dxd you can say much."

Rose:"omg hahaha."

Yuri:"that's enough now."

Yuri grabs the remote and turns it over to the countdown for the new year. You scowl at him because you wanted to finish it.

Y/n:"noooooooooooo!!!!!!! I need to know what happens."

You hear a knock at the door so you get of your couch and open the door.

Alicia:"hi can we come in?"

Victor:"let us in I'm freezing I didn't bring a coat."

Y/n:"come on in then."

They rush in and stand near the fire blocking the view of the tv.


Everyone turns around to rose and looks at her sand thinks something so sweet suddenly changed it was like multiple personality.

Rose:" what is everyone looking at me fir did I do anything wrong?"

Y/n:"…erm… no."

Rose:" okay."

After hours gone by you didn't realise it's going to turn 12:00am so you told everyone to stand up you handed out Champaign and party poppers as soon it hit 12:00am.

All:"happy New year."

Party poppers start banging. You turn to Yuri and look him in the eyes.

Y/n:"I love you Yuri you know that right?"

Yuri:"of course I love you too."

You both kiss Victor saw and looked away and heads for the door.

Victor:"thanks for having me."

Yuri:"what your going  already?"

Victor:"yes I need to go something come up at skating the boss wants to see me."

Yuri:"if you say so seya tommorow lad."

You stare at Victor as he closes the door. You go back to partying with your family and friends.

Life Of Yuri And Victor (Yuri On Ice)Where stories live. Discover now