Chapter 1.

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Do you see darkness too? Not in your eyes but in your heart. I can't remember when I meet him, Nathan Foster. He has the purity of a crystal blue lake that of you'd look down you'll see yourself.

Eyes like it too.

I sighed, sweeping my fathomless color hair out of my dark brown eyes, my fangs biting down on my full pink lips.

Bloodsucker, is what they call me. Vampire, is what I am. It's not like I'm not ashamed of it, I never wanted to be this. The harsh sound of the bell cuts through the noise and laughter and turns it into a rush to get home. I quickly sweep myself out of the room, rushing towards my bus.

Accidentally bumping into a figure, I quickly apologize before realizing it was Nathan I bumped into. My dark eyes meet his clear blue irises, but I break the contact in my rush to get home.


As soon as I reach the door, I swing it open, dropping my stuff down. I sighed in the ghost town I call home.
My mom always working at her job as a waitress and my dad works at Walmart, so I'm always left alone. Margaret, my sister, left the house and has her own. Lucky.

I head to my room that has pastel green paint peeling itself off and a bed that's supported by bricks. I take a glance at my hand, covered in scars from which I drank my own blood from. Its not like I drink human blood. There's a lot of things humans know jack shit on about vampires.

My family is an Omega family, a family that had just gotten recently turned. Which started with my great great grandfather, whom was mated to a vampire girlfriend of his during sometime between World War Two.

I still remember the story my dad use to tell...


Adolf Hitler had just came to power, and he began sorting out his victims one by one. Concentration camps, torturing, killing. During those dark times, people needed laughs, and it was just a matter of time when the draft came for my great great grandfather.

After the war was over, when the world was trying to settle down, and women stopped playing baseball. My great great grandfather meet her. Fathomless dark hair, and pink lips with fangs that came to a sharp point, an intoxicating fragrance, but her eyes, they were a dark shade of purple but if caught in the summer sun they were violet.

Her name was Rose.

She worked as a comedian in a secluded bar where he used to live. That was the best thing about her, she gave people laughs when they needed it the most. One nights, my great great grandfather went up to her, and as shy and small as he was, he asked her on a date.

One date had turned into many more dates, which had turned into marriage. And she gave my grandfather one of the most greatest gifts ever. Life and death. She gave birth to my great grandfather, but then she bit my great great grandfather, letting him reincarnate as a vampire.

In one particular evening, when they were having dinner, armed men came in, they said they were on the hunt for rouge Nazi's and they had a tip that she was one of them. My great great grandfather was Jewish, so they didn't suspect him. Rose, however, wasn't Jewish and hadn't really expressed any faith in Christianity either.

Finally, after hours of investigation, they had found out she was a rouge Nazi and put her on death sentence and was indeed, trying to kill him.


The story about my great great grandfather makes me wonder what my mate will be like. Sometimes I like to think Nathan's my mate, probably not. But when you find 'the one' you tell him you love him, but all I ever did to Nathan was be a douchebag to him.

Smooth move.

He probably hates me for what I did to him. Nothing can make it right. I guess what I did to him prove the theory 'if someone picks on you that means they like you.' Yep.

I don't really mean to be rude to him, I get bullied too, so I guess I take my anger out on him. So he's probably not my mate if I can't even be nice to him for one day. I guess things never work out the way we plan, I thought. My eyelids closed, and I feel myself slowly falling into a dreamless sleep.

(A/N;. So this is the very first thing I published on WP. Hope ya like it. Kira is played by Amy Lee so is Rose. And Nathan is played by Kyle David Hall)

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