It's All Coming Back To Me

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**Ivy Hazel's POV**

My mum was walking straight to the hot press when I grabbed her back.

"Woah! What's wrong?" She asked, surprised at my actions.

"Umm... you go into the bathroom and get all ready.... I'll get the towels for you." I told her.

"Oh... okay. Thanks dearie." She said and headed up the stairs into the bathroom.

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly opened the hot press door. Brian, Roger and John were all squashed around the water tank, red in the face from the heat in there.

Roger tried to burst out but I stopped him.

"Not so fast.... she could come down any moment now. I need to get her a towel and then I'll let you guys out."

I grabbed a towel and ran up the stairs to the bathroom where I handed my mum the towel, and made sure I locked the door on the way out.

I opened the hot press door again and motioned for the guys to come out.

They burst out of there, and Roger unbuttoned his shirt a bit.

"God it's roasting in there!" John exclaimed and took off his little jacket.

"Look, we need to get Freddie up and moving. Then we need to get you out of here. For good." I rushed around and into the spare bedroom.

"Wow.. thanks for discarding us like we're useless." Roger pouted.

"Roger, she's got a point. How can we all live like this?" Brian remarked.

"Yeah but..."

Just then Freddie opened his eyes.

"I just had a crazy dream... I was transported magically years into the future and..... oh." He said, realising this dream was now reality.

"Let's get moving okay?" I said, pulling Freddie up.

"Thank you dear." He muttered.

I suddenly realised. This was the man whom I had spent so many days crying over, especially when Adam Lambert sang his songs live, making me think about how it should be Freddie singing.

I suddenly put my head down and cried a bit.

"Woah... Hazel, what's wrong?" Roger asked.

"Hmm...? Oh.. nothing." I whispered, wiping my eyes.

All the guys were looking at me funny.

I suddenly wrapped my arms around Freddie and hugged him tight.

"I can't let you go..." I said into his shirt.

"2016 absolutely sucks without you, Freddie... and you, John." I said.

Freddie rubbed my back.

"There, there.... um... Ivy, it'll be okay. It's not like we'd be able to get out of here quickly anyways...."

"Wait..." John said. 


We all looked at him as if he had some extremely philosophic question to ask.

"Why do some of us call you Hazel and others call you Ivy?"

Brian and Roger both rolled their eyes. "She's got two first names, John." Brian said.

"Well, actually," Roger butt in. "Out of us, I'm the only one who calls her Hazel."

"Alright.... settle down there, Romeo." Brian said with a scoff. 

I quickly took a glance out the window and noticed it was now extremely dark outside. 

"Guys I think we should all go to bed now... it's getting kind of late."

The boys all nodded their heads in agreement and I left them to sorting out who would sleep where in the room they had woken up in.

I went into my room to sleep, but my ear was really sore from when it had been bleeding earlier so I quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I started rummaging through the cupboards for plasters and disinfectants. Just then, Roger came into the kitchen as well.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah.. I'm just parched. Could I get a drink?"

"Sure." I filled a glass of water and handed it to him, which he quickly downed.

I started cleaning my ear with a anti bacterial wipe and Roger watched me.

"That looks sore..." he said softly.

I winced. "It is."

"Let me help."

He put his glass down and took the wipe from my hand and rubbed my ear himself. He did it so carefully and gently that I barely noticed. He opened a plaster and put it on my ear softly and patted it down. His face was very close to the side of mine as he examined my ear. So close that I could feel him breathe. And I was getting chills.

I turned to look at him and gave him a smile. But he wasn't smiling back. He was staring into my eyes and searching them.

He was still standing face to face with me, our heads only centimetres away from each other. I parted my lips slightly and then closed them. Roger then looked at my lips.

I was looking at his gorgeous blue eyes when I felt his hand intertwine with mine. We both looked down at our hands together.

"Your hand is tiny." He said softly.

He looked back up at me and let go of my hand, putting his hand instead on my waist and the other one grazed my face.

I closed my eyes for a second. This couldn't be real. I leaned in closer to him, until he finished it off and pressed his lips hard against mine.

We both softly kissed each other, nothing insane, but I felt like I was floating. My hands made their way to Rogers shoulders and my arms were around his neck. He was pulling me closer to him with his hands on my waist.

We both stopped and pulled away from each other.

I smiled at Roger and he smiled back. He winked and left the room, heading back upstairs.

I was shocked. I liked it. A lot. But I was shocked. This was Roger Taylor, as a young man. I touched my lips with my finger.

Never would I forget this.

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