8:45am. There was a time when this meant something, a time when this signalled the start of the morning dirge of routine, a time when this said arrangement of digits would drain my spirits and drown my hopes and aspirations in a cess pool of dread. Now, all they are is empty numbers, meaningless symbols of a time long since past. Now, I see them for what they are, what they always were; the death call for a collective of shattered dreams and empty promises. The grand show adorned by the masses, the scourge of the few, that praises deceit, rewards treachery and revels in the primordial sludge of consumerism. The malicious beat of the corporate world leaving nothing but bitter, broken, empty husks of men. There was a time when all this meant something alas no longer.
P.s – Incase you can’t tell I just lost my job. Call me when you’ve calmed down
Love Jon x
So here I am sitting for what I can only guess for “Legal” reasons has to remain an Unnamed popular chain coffee shop, breathing over the lipof £4’s worth of recycled paper and recycled, caffeinated brown muck, re-caffeinated with a vile look from the cashier come coffee girl. I find myself a stalwart consumer of most of societies luxuries just as much as the next “bloke” under the fickle corporate spell of the Cannibalized, Americanized and “Civilized” culture we are struck with as 21st century Brits. Lost in a torrenting sea of neon, quick fixes, instant gratification and 24/hour kiosks. As always, the complementary newspapers mounted on the rack warranted a stroll. What well informed and interesting stories await such knowledge seeking pilgrims such as myself behind those flimsy barely legal pages. As always; Knifing, knifing stabbing, knifing, light crucificaition, knifing, drugs bust, benefit cheat Muslim terrorists eat hard working Christian’s blind deaf children etc.. Though perplexed as I am by the fine workings of business as always I browse along to the stock ratings; some company i’ve never heard of goes bust one week another becomes twice as powerful. Little difference this all makes as today is the day it all ends, the day it all begins, the dawn of a new day.
Ode To The Rambler
RandomI really have no idea xD Comments people would be very much appreciated :3