Chapter 15 ☼ Trouble

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Don't forget me, don't forget me
I wouldn't leave you if you'd let me
When you met me, when you met me
You told me you were gonna get me
-Halsey / Trouble

"The warehouse is completely empty, son," the policeman informed Hong Fa, making his already weak knees give out. "It's the right place. All their belongings are here, but the group is gone. Son? Are you alright?"

The red haired boy remained collapsed on the pavement, his head between his knees. In the short time he'd been away from the warehouse, the time it took him to painfully sprint three blocks, they'd completely evacuated? It was impossible. The group is gone.

He Tian. He Tian is gone.

To make matters worse, if the group knew the police had gotten involved, He Tian could be killed immediately. Yet Hong Fa couldn't have just let them hurt He Tian, he couldn't let He Tian die all because of him. Calling the police was the only thing he could think to do.

Hardly aware of what was happening , Hong Fa found himself being loaded into an ambulance and being all but strapped to a gurney. An I.V was jabbed into his hand, but he couldn't feel it. He was completely numb. Hands pinned down his shoulders as someone screamed. It was only as his vision began darkening around the edges that he realized that he was screaming. And then everything was dark and cold and lonely.

His mother was with him when he groggily opened his eyes once more, his mind scrambling and racing to make sense of where he was.

Hospital. Warehouse. He Tian.

Reality was going to be a fucking bitch, "Did they find him? Please..."

Seonigmi's head snapped up from the book she read, and she scrambled to her feet, "Oh baby, thank God you're okay..."

"He Tian," Hong Fa croaked. "Did they find him?"

His mother stopped by his bed, gently seizing his hand in her own. However, she wouldn't meet his gaze. Hong Fa's stomach churned.

"The police told me what happened... they haven't found any of them."

Just like that the room was spinning again. Hong Fa clamped his hands over his face as the tears welled up behind closed eyelids. No, no, no-, "He saved me. That selfish son of a bitch went with them so they wouldn't kill me. I have to go find him, I have to look-"

He struggled to sit up, his ribs aching, but his mother gently pushed him back down and pulled a strange cord by his bed, "Guanshan, baby, please..."

A nurse came rushing in, "Is everything- oh. I'll request sedation for him again."

"You sedated me?" Hong Fa wheezed. "I don't want it, stop, I have to find him-"

His hands and the front neck of his hospital gown were growing strangely wet, and only when his mother seized his face to meet his gaze did he realize he was sobbing. The nurse had sprinted from the room, but two more returned and injected something into his I.V bag. Almost instantly he felt his limbs growing weak again. His chest was burning far deeper than just his ribs, but not even forced sleep was taking the burn away.

"I'm so sorry, Guanshan," his mother was crying as well.

Darkness blanketed him once more. He longed more than anything to wake up in a large bed with He Tian using him as a sort of pillow, or to wake up cramped in his twin bed draped over a warm chest. But only scratchy hospital sheets and a dull beeping greeted him.

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