Chapter 5

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Juvia P.O.V 

I was running over to my house in Fairy Hills when I saw Gray and Lucy, holding hands. It broke my heart I wanted to cry but I thought back to what Laxus said'Its okay he clearly doesn't deserve you if he did this to you.' he was right, he not good enough for me. I continued walking and I walked right past them I could feel Gray looking at me and it sorta broke my heart when Lucy started to giggle. 

When I reached my home, there she was the Land Lady(I don't know okay.) She looks really pissed. "Hi, Mrs. Mart," I said while waving and giving her a closed eyes smile. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" she yelled, clearly not happy. "J-Juvia was at a friends house." I studdered out. "Juvia when are you going to pay?! Your 2 months behind!" "Juvias knows she'll go on a job today and get the money to you. Promise!" I said holding my hand out for her to shake. She just sighed and said, "Okay but this is the last time!" "Juvia thanks you!" I said giving her a hug and then leaving to change. 

I got to my room and put on a new pair of clothes, and my way over to the guild. I was thinking about going on a mission when it struck me. 'I have no one to go on a mission with me.' I stood there thinking of what I could do, all the big jobs usually need someone with you and I don't really wanna go with Gajeel, cause he'll want Levy with us and they will be lovey-dovey the whole time, Fuck Team Natsu. 'I guess I could ask Laxus.' I said and then carried on. 

I got to the guild and hesitated to open the doors. 'You got this Juvia!' I then opened the doors. A chair was thrown and for once it wasn't Natsu and Gray. I was walking to the bar when I heard, "Hey Juvia." Gray. I looked over at him and smiled, he was a bit taken back but that changed when I dropped it and flipped him off. I heard some gasps and some laughing. "You're not still mad are you?" I stood there both in shock in and in anger I saw Laxus shake his head and a lot of other people too. "What?" I said straight glaring at him, "I said-" I cut him off by slapping the shit out of him. 

"OF COURSE JUVIA IS STILL FUCKING MAD!?" He looked up shocked that I hit him. "YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON JUVIA!" Everyone was now looking at us with shocked faces. "AND OUT OF ALL GIRLS YOU COULD HAVE HAD SEX WITH YOU CHOSE LUCY!" Everyone was now shocked at what I said. "SO DONT COME UP TO JUVIA AND SAY 'OH ARE YOU STILL MAD'!, OF COURSE, JUVIA IS STILL FUCKING MAD, JUVIA IS MAD YOU COULDN'T KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS, OR AT LEAST FUCKING BREAK UP WITH JUVIA BEFORE YOU SLEPT WITH SOME SLUT!!" Everyone gasped at my words, even I was a bit surprised. I heard Lucy screech in anger. "I'm not a slut! and your the one who was gonna sleep with Laxus after you kicked me out!" she yelled clearly pissed about what I called her."Lucy sit your ass down!" I heard Laxus yell. "She wasn't going to sleep with me and you are a slut now accept it and shut the fuck up!" he had a little lighting sparking around him which made her shut it and sit. Laxus walked over to me. "C'mon Juvia like I said he isn't worth it."  I just nodded at walked over to the bar with Laxus as everyone began to go back to what they were doing.

 "Hey, you okay?" Laxus asked. "Yea, Juvia's throat just hurts," I said smiling. He just nodded and drank. "H-Hey Laxus, can you go on a job with Juvia?" "Sure, why?" he said looking over to me. "Juvia need's rent money for 2 months," I muttered the 2 months part but, of course, he heard it. "Damn that's like what 200,000 Jewel." "Yea and Juvia need's it by today," I said looking down. "That's okay will get it for you." "Really?" I asked with hope in my eyes. "Yea of course," he said smiling at me. I couldn't help it but I ended giving him a hug. "Thank you so much Laxus." He stood there and I could see the slight pink on his cheeks. "Y-yea its no problem, r-really." He said while we just sat there staring at each other but that ended when Mira came up. "It's love at first heartbreak!"(See what I did there? I know shitty) She squealed. "W-we're not in l-love!" I said a bit flustered. "Y-yea." Laxus agreed as we looked away from each other. "Sure~," she said as she put my drink down and left. 

"What time do you want to go?" Laxus spoke up "Whenever you're ready." I said drinking my smoothie. "Okay, how about after the drinks." "Sure." I smiled and we clinked our drinks.


Once we were all done, we got up and went to the Job board. "How about this one?" I said holding up a job for 250,000 Jewel. "Yea sure let's go." and with that, we left ignoring the glares from Lucy and Gray. 

'Fuck em.'

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