Sparkly.Farkly On a date with the best girlfriend in the world <3 @Farkle's.Dearest
Peaches_Hart Wish I had a relationship like you guys
ZayBaby Maybe you'll have a good relationship with me ;))) @Peaches_Hart
Peaches_Hart ^Never
ZayBaby You know it will happen soon Maya ;))
Huckleberry_Hurr Stop flirting guys
ZayBaby You jelly cause nobody likes you @Huckleberry_Hurr
Sparkly.Farkly I know somebody who likes Lucas
ZayBaby ^WHO?!?
Sparkly.Farkly She told me not to tell
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Princess.Riley Afternoon selfie cause I feel like it
56,394 likes 37,634 comments
Huckleberry_Hurr You look beautiful Riley
Peaches_Hart You look lovely riles
Princess.Riley Ty @Huckleberry_Hurr @Peaches_Hart
Farkle's.Dearest I agree with Lucas and Maya. You look stunning
Sparkly.Farkly ^ Me too
ZayBaby You going anywhere fancy sugar
Princess.Riley Nope. Just staying home @ZayBaby
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ZayBaby When he's showing you his teddy bear collection Tagged:Huckleberry_Hurr
68,543 likes 52,437 comments
Huckleberry_Hurr Where did you get that Zay
ZayBaby Riley
Princess.Riley He asked for it
Farkle's.Dearest He still looked like a hunk with that bear
Sparkly.Farkly SMAKLE
Farkle's.Dearest Which part was I not supposed to say
Princess.Riley Sorry Lucas. Will you ever forgive me
Huckleberry_Hurr Of course I will forgive you @Princess.Riley
Peaches_Hart Aww. It's so cute when you guys flirt @Huckleberry_Hurr @Princess.Riley
ZayBaby Ikr. It can just be so cute
Princess.Riley We do not flirt
Huckleberry_Hurr ^Yeah we don't flirt guys
Farkle's.Dearest Yeah right
Hey guys! So how did you like my first chapter. It might not be good cause it's my first book I ever made. Hope you like it. Well goodnight, good morning,or good afternoon to you