
70 5 0

Requested by Evey-M

Warning: mild swear, a little fluff
Word count: 465

     Sam runs through the woods, jumping over logs, dogging trees, spashing through streams. His capturer not far behind him.
"AW COME ON MOOSE, WE WERE JUST HAVING A LITTLE FUN" calls a thick Scottish accent. Sam jumps onto a large pile of rocks running across them. Rocks fly loose under Sams feet and he slides and tumbles all the way down the mountain hitting his head, scraping, and brusing up his body. Sam reaches the bottom and coughs, spitting up some blood.

   A flutter of wings is heard and Sam looks up and blushes... wait what.
Why am I blushing, what the hell
     Sam coughs again and looks at the blood he spit out.
Gabriel looks at the small mortal, helpless, alone, hurt...scared.
"Moose... hey, Samsquatch, you okay?" Gabriel gives Sam a small nudge with his foot and Sam groans.
       I bet he sounds even better in-NONONO BACKSPACE THAT'S NOT OKAY!
Gabriel picks up Sam and zaps him away.

"Sammy I made you a sammich"
"A what"
"It has extra lettuce and stuff so it's basically a salad beetween bread"
"Reasons now eat"
Sam wiggles like a giant puppy on the bed reaching his hand out for the plate.
     Gabriel puts a lolly pop in his mouth and sucks on it a little, before handing Sam the plate and smirking wiggling the lolly pop in his mouth running his fingers through his hair. Sam looks at the sandwich weirdly and takes of the bread eating the 'salad' in between, clumbzily with his fingers.
Gabriel walks to Sam and wipes a piece of lettuce from his mouth, and they stare at eachother for what seems like hours until Gabriel breaks the akward *cough* gay *cough* silence.
"Gigantor, your brother should be looking for you right about..... now"

Just as the words leave his mouth, the front door is kicked open, Gabriel takes the lollipop out of his mouth and kisses Sam on the cheek, making Sam blush like crazy.

Gabriel dissapears as Dean runs into the room.
"Sammy..." Dean says as he takes out his flask of holy water and sprays a little on Sam.
"SAMMY" Dean hugs his little brother as he's bombarded with questions. But all Sam could think about was what Gabriel did.
----Time skip to the boys leaving-------

"You okay Sammy"
Sam sits in th Impala but quickly gets up, he reaches for what he sat on and brings it into view.

A bubble gum filled,cherry red
lollipop, and with it a note:
Your my bubble gum bitch now Sammy

I go back to school today so updating will be hard, but don't be afraid to request anything!!!!

I had publishes this before and I geuss it didn't work so.... here it is

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