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She sat in her room,

A knife dancing around her skin.

Not where you can see it of course,

But her stomach and thighs.

Putting the knife down,

She had to go to school.

Her hell,

Her prison,

The water she would drown in.

They pushed her to the walls,

No one noticed her,

No one cared.

She was invisible,

She thought nobody would ever love her.

She sat in the corner of a stall,

Crying her eyes out.

She just wanted somebody to care.

Her parents didn't want her,

She was nothing but a mistake.

Fucked over by so many guys,

And gossiped about by so many girls.







Their voices rang through her head,

As she sat hoping someone would care.

She ran out of the stall,

Up to where everyone was,

She pulled out the gun she was hiding,

And whispered a soft goodbye.

The girl that no one notice,

The one no one knew,

The one that they ignored,

Shot herself in front of them.

Her blood trickled across the floor,

The realisation sunk in.

Girls began crying and realising what they had done.

The boy who always loved her regretted not telling her.

But how was she to know anyone cared,

When they didn't care while she was alive?

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