Flowey The Lil Sh** #1

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Flowey: Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the tree! *In a tree costume*

Frisk: Dude, what the actual fu-

Flowey: Golly, you must be so confused. Let me teach you how things work down here!

Frisk: Flowey, seriously, stahp

Flowey: Down here in the Underground, we have a very special game.

Frisk: *sigh* And what exactly would that be?

Flowey: *creepy face initiated* You run while I throw rotten fruit at you!

Friske: ●~●

-Insert Flowey throwing rotten apples at Frisk running away here-


Haha, Flowey, hahaha,

One day imma kill that little weed

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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