Untitled Part 1

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For what seemed like an eternity, a war had raged on in Heaven between two groups of immortal beings known as Angels. On one side stood those who fought for the King of Heaven, Yahweh and on the other side was the rebel army led by the most influential angels to ever grace the kingdom of Heaven. This war began as many wars usually begin: with both sides believing in the rightness of their position and the unfairness of the others'.

Yahweh was the first being in heaven and on earth; he was infinite and encompassed all time and space. He created a race of immortal beings who would dedicate all their time and life solely to worshiping and praising him. He created two classes of angels: the Cherubim and Seraphim with the latter being closer to him than the first. The Seraphim were made as with burning fire. Seeing his race of angels created and organized, Yahweh set upon the task of creating an angel that would lead the Seraphim; her name was Lucifer.

Lucifer was the purest and most beautiful of all the angels. She was pure light which shined brighter than all the Seraphim combined and her glory was only second to Yahweh's. Yahweh delighted in her beauty especially as she led the Seraphim in praise and worship with each passing day. Yahweh gave her dominion over the Sun and she was thus known as the "bringer of light". Lucifer adored Yahweh and was perfectly fulfilled with living in Heaven and spending eternity in the worship of Yahweh. Yahweh was the almighty Father of all things and all that He said was true and kind. All were happy and content to live and worship Yahweh and to obey Him in all things.

As the millennia passed by, two of the angels began to realize that they preferred each other's company to those of any other of the angels. As they spent more time together they realized that they were starting to need each other and were wont to spend all their time together. As their affection for each other grew, they were both shocked and much frightened to realize that their affection for each other was superseding their duties in the worship of Yahweh. This affection did not go unnoticed. Yahweh observed that Lucifer's radiance seemed trebled and that her heart was much gladdened. Yahweh called her to Him and asked, 'I have seen a change in you my child, tell me; what is the cause of this change?' Lucifer, with the innocence of a child, began to tell Yahweh about these indescribable affections and need to be around this one person all the time and for all time. She told of the immense joy that arose simply from the thought of him and as Yahweh listened, His temper became unbearable for he alone knew what it was Lucifer was describing. This was a force equal in might to Yahweh and it was called Love. Up until this moment, Yahweh had enjoyed the love of all the angels and could not fathom the notion of sharing the love of even one of his angels with any other being. Yahweh's anger was stirred by his jealousy in sharing the love that was due to Him which was one of his reasons for creating the angels.

The sudden change in Yahweh's countenance surprised Lucifer as never had anyone encountered any negative feelings. Lucifer knelt in humility and deference as Yahweh's thunderous roar covered all heaven and beyond. Her bemusement was unfathomable as she peered up at the mighty Yahweh who was, at this time, forbidding her from associating with the object of her affections; "I will have all your Love!" he added in angry exclamation. 'Love?' replied Lucifer; this being the very first time this word had been used. As she repeated this word to herself in the minutes that followed Yahweh's first utterance of the word, it seemed to become less alien with each utterance and what's more, even though she could not completely comprehend the word, it seemed a most apt description of the feelings waiting to explode from within her. As she thought further of this word, a smile appeared on her face which shone even brighter than it had ever been before. From her kneeling position she looked up at Yahweh and ventured to ask; 'Father, what is Love'? Yahweh did not answer her for such knowledge was reserved for himself and knowledge was power. 'You will forget about this and return to your duties'. Lucifer's face turned to a frown and her luminescence dimmed as she bowed to Yahweh and made her exit.

Lucifer's Love and the Dawn of ManWhere stories live. Discover now