Chapter Two

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I slowly opened my eyes to a very bright bedroom. "Good morning Beautiful." Danny greeted causing a smile to grow on my face.

"Good morning." I mumbled. "How did  you sleep?" I asked.

"Alright how about you?" He asked.

"Pretty good." Danny smiled.

"I'm going down to breakfast you coming?" He asked shoving on some tracksuit bottoms and a top.

"I'll just get dressed and I'll be down." He nodded and kissed my cheek. Once Danny left I went straight to my wardrobe and looked for something to wear. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a crop top and put them on. I then brushed through my hair leaving it naturally wavy and put on a little makeup. I looked myself over in the mirror then headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Whats for breakfast?" I asked Maia. 

"I made you a bacon and egg sandwich." She smiled.

"Thanks Princess." I gave her a hug then took my plate off the counter. I placed my plate down in my usual spot, in between Danny and El. I began eating my sandwich and let me tell you it was delicious, Maia is an excellent cook.

"Alright see you later guys." Eleanor said while getting up then placing her plate in the dishwasher. 

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To meet Louis, not that he knows."  Eleanor chuckled. 

"Oh yeah I'm meeting Niall." Maia exclaimed. 

"And I'm meeting Zayn." Perrie said.

"Bye" The three of them shouted in unison as the left the house.

"So I'm guessing I have to meet Harry today?" I asked Danny in an annoyed tone.

"Yes and you have to leave in 10 minutes."  He explained.

"Why I want to spend time with you baby." I groaned.

"I know but we spent all last night together and we will do the same tonight." Danny winked.

"Fine! Where am I meeting him?" I asked.

"Starbucks." I nodded.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll be off." Danny nodded.

I walked up to stairs put on my beanie  then grabbed my Vans backpack and a hoodie. I hate this mission more than anything. I don't want to fake being in love with Harry, he makes me feel sick. I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen where Danny was still sat. 

"Well I guess I'll be going."  I groaned.

"Smile,  you always look more beautiful with a smile." Danny exclaimed. I gave him a smile. "That's better." He gave me a kiss. "I see you when you get back." He chimed. I kissed his cheek then walked out of the door to my car.


I walked into Starbucks and I scanned the room for Harry. I couldn't see him anywhere so I decided to go an order. "Next," The woman at the counter said. "What would you like?" She asked.

" Venti Caramel frappuccino." I answered. 

"Anything else?" I shook my head. "Name to put on the cup?" The woman asked.


"£3.25 please." I got out a five pounds and paid the lady. "If you want to wait down there your drink will be done shortly." She smiled handing me my change.  

"Thank you." I said then walked to the end and waited for my drink.

"Caramel  frappuccino for Charlotte." A woman said while placing my drink on the counter. I grabbed a straw and placed it in my cup then walked to a table.

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