Chapter 0, Entrance.

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  The roads were silent and the sky was clear,  for the time being the time is currently 8:00PM and there wasn't anything roaming around the forest other than Hera,  her origins are foreign (what I'm saying is that I can't say anything about that for now) but she was roaming around the forest for no apparent reason other than just exploring her surroundings and observing what she saw.   Moments later there was a portal with a vehicle exiting out of it, it was traveling at a top speed of 216 miles per hour.  The vehicle appears to be an american muscle car with an awesome paint job and with a supercharger sticking out of the car's hood, though it can draw most of your attention to the fact that it had eight wheels. The person driving the vehicle realized that he was through the portal and is now out of the dimension of where he came from.

    The vehicle slowed down and came to a complete stop, the driver got out and looked around to have a good look of where he was in the enviroment he is in currently,  the air had that "tree smell" to it, the sky being clear and the moon shining bright and lighting the night.  Whilst looking around, Sapphire noticed there was another kind of prescence to have come across within their proximity.  Ripmin had acknowledged Sapphire's thought, so he called out randomly, "Hera Cipher! I know you're outh there!"  Hera's eyes had widened a little due to the person's perception being stimulant.  Moments later Hera revealed herself and Ripmin looked at her, she suddenly began to run off without a second thought.  Before she can get too far, Ripmin had said to her, "Mark my words Hera Cipher! The fallen shall rise again!"  after that she had teleported back to the dimension where Bill is currently residing.

   After a minute, Ripmin had gotten back into his car and began to drive off to the gas station where he went to get some stuff before heading off to The Mystery Shack.   

The story will continue in the next chapter...

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