The big decision.

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"Ella, be home before the clock stricks 12! Or the spell will become undone..."

My fairy godmother's voice kept ecoing in my head for the past half hour or so. I had seriously just gotten here an hour ago...This was becoming more and more annoying as each moment passed.

All this time I met a whole lot of new people. All rich and abnoxious.

The only man I hadn't seen already was the Prince... The one i came here looking for.

From a very young age, you see, I lost my mother and my father remarried this wicked woman, Lady Tremaine, who had two bitchy daughters, Drizella and Anastasia. God, were they annoying!

When my dad was still alive all three of them were treating me pretty okay; Not even close to spoiling me or anything, but it was like heaven if ever compaire to the hell that my life turned into when my father suddenly died a few years after.

Tremaine started calling herself "beloved mother" and forced me calling her that for the longest time and Drizella with Anastasia took all my gorgeous dresses and left me with literally a pile of rags to wear. They were always telling me, when i was little, that it was a pitty to waste them by leaving them hanging in the closet since i wasn't allowed to go out of the house fence.

Things just kept becoming worse and worce as I grew up... I became, from a daughter, a house maid. I did the cooking,the cleaning,the washing...everything! That's when i got my new "name"... Cinderella....

At the same time my ,oh so lovely *note my sarcasm* stepsisters and step mom were wasting all of my father's gold ,that he had saved in order to provide me with a brighter future, for shoes, dresses and hats. But i was obbeying to their every will, since they had told me at his funeral that if i would be a good girl,they would provide me with enough money to go to school. 

My teen years were the worst... I wasn't allowed to have any friends and i would spend all my days locked up in my room, thinking, dreaming, planning... I had desided when i was a little girl that i would change this situation at any cost. I would leave London and get a new chance in life.

I would be happy finally.

Its been too long since i was happy... Almost my entire life i had lived like a maid at my own house with my only friends being my two lovely mouses and my mom's tree where i would go when i wanted to be cloer to her...

So when I heard,on my 20th birthday, that the Prince would have a dance in his soon-to-be palace in order to find a girl to marry and make her his princess, I HAD to be there. It was my only opportunity to break free...

I went into hell and back to be able to be here, in this very place.

I had only two problems... Firstly, in the palace here were also my "belove mother" and her dauthers and i would be dead if the recognised me. And secondly... The Prince was nowhere to be seen and i had only two hours left before the spell would break.

I was so stressed...I would kill for a drink right now! Yeah thats what i should do, i should go get a drink. And maybe i will find again the only decent person I met in this HUGE parlor, Hannah.

Hannah Mary Anderson was the name of a beautiful young girl, around my age, who had also lost her mom and whose father was the head knight of the Prince's personal guard. She was EXTREMELLY rich but she didn't exactly liked all these money. She had dreams of herself to become a vet just like her mother was and follow her footsteps in the world.

"Oh Ella! Here you are! I almost thought you left without goodbyeing me darling..." Thank God she found me, I hated being all alone in here...

"Hey Hannah! Where were you girl? I looked everywhere for you?"

"Oh well I wanted to touch up on my makeup so I went to the bathroom where I met a few girls and we started talking and .."

"Okay okay haha I get it don't worry" jeez she talks SO fast...

"haha okay, well did you meet the Prince already? I heard he came a few minutes before"

"Seriously now?! I've been looking for him over an hour, where the hel.."

Before I could even finish my sentence, I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Emm.... Excuse me my lady.... Could I have this dance with you?"

At first I couldn't even blink from my surprise. The Prince. I finally found him.

And he asked me on a dance?! Oh today is DEFINITELY my lucky day...

"Umm miss??"

"Oh I am so sorry I was caught in surprise. It would be my pleasure my Prince to dance you" I quickly answered after I gave him my hand.

He is soooo gorgeous. All the stories I've heard about his good looks are deadly true.

"Please my lady, please call me Jayson" he smiley told me

"As you wish my pr.... Um Jayson, I meant"

He was making me feel dizzy while he was looking me straight in the eyes.

Finally my  dream  came  true but... Something  didn't  feel  right... Something  was  out  of  place. I  didn't  have  that  satisfaction, that overwhelming happiness...

We  danced  and  talked for  the  rest  of  the  night together and  with  each  passing moment  I  grew  more  and  more frustrated with  him.

He  was  an  asshole. Behind  his  amazing looks  he was just  a  big  big  NOTHING. He  was  cocky and  so  full  of  himself  and  he  didn't  care about  the  poor  or  the  homeless  and  all  he  wanted  was  to  get  even richer.

What. A. Jerk.

Great. Now what? My dream to escape by becoming queen is freaking ruined. I am DEFINITELY not  going  to  spend  the  rest  of  my  life  with  him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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