Chapter 9

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     Jack spun around upon hearing his name. He gasped and backed away when Dylan appeared from the shadows.
     "D-Dyl... " Jack stammered. Dylan chuckled softly and walked straight towards Jack, trapping him against the wall. Jack panicked, looking around for an exit.
     "Calm down, Sèan. It's just me. " Dylan whispered. Jack shook his head.
     "No. Leave me alone. Please. Just let me get my stuff an' I'll be out of here. " he pleaded. Dylan shook his head no and lay a finger on Jack's lips. The Irishman squeezed his eyes shut, hoping it would all go away.
     "I don't know why you left so quickly. Also, I don't appreciate other people playing with my toys. ". Jack ducked and began to run. Dylan laughed evilly and chased after him. Jack dove into a bedroom and tried to lock the door. He glanced Dylan at the head of the stairs and hurriedly pulled the door closed.
     Back in Los Angeles, Mark sat in his loving room staring at his phone. The last text he'd received from Jack read simply, 'In Dublin. Text later. I love you. '.
     He quickly sent back a reply and turned on his tv. Mark and Jack both had extra videos waiting to be uploaded.
     A few days later, Mark had descended into a halfway panic. He hadn't heard from Jack since the last text. He was scrolling through Twitter to look for any clues when Felix called him on Skype.
     "Hey Mark! You okay? " Felix asked, a worrying look on his face.
     "Yeah. I'm fine. "
     "Have you uh.... Heard from Jack recently? Cause I haven't. "
     "No. That's what I'm worried about. I haven't heard from him since he arrived in Dublin. "
     "Really? Bro, that's.... Worrying. "
     "I've been trying to get ahold of him for a few days. Either something's wrong, he's ignoring me, or his phone died. He did leave his charger here. " Mark rambled. Felix shrugged, throwing his sandwich down.
     "No fucking turkey in this sandwich... Get it right dammit. Anyways, I'm sure he's fine. I'll try and see if anyone else has heed from him. See ya later bro! " Felix said. He hung up and Mark sighed unhappily. Though he'd only been apart from Jack for a few days, it felt like an eternity.
     "Sèan... where are you? " Mark muttered. He again texted Jack, hoping for a response. And just like always, none came.
     Jack sat in a spare bedroom, sobbing. He couldn't believe he'd fallen for Dylan's trick. He'd been stripped of his clothes, all but an old pair of jeans, and his phone. He'd been in this room for two weeks already.
     "Maerk... " he whispered. Jack automatically cowered in the corner when he heard footsteps. Dylan appeared in the doorway, with a sadistic grin. Jack whimpered helplessly and backed up further.
     "Now now... That's not the way to behave Sèan. Not if you ever want to see your precious Mark again. " Dylan threatened.
     "Please... Dyl.... Don't do t'is... Not again. " Jack whined. His voice was broken and halting, as if every new word cost him too much effort. Dylan strolled towards him, lightly swinging a whip. Jack cringed, accidentally exposing his bare back.
     In LA, Mark scrolled down a page of flights to Ireland. He yelled out in anger when a notice popped up.
     Due to an error, all flights to Europe are cancelled for two weeks. We apologize for any problems.
     "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? FUCKING DAMMIT! " he yelled. Mark eventually settled for a flight in two weeks. He just hoped nothing bad happened to Jack during that time. He sent yet another text to Jack's phone before checking his YouTube. No videos had been uploaded, and the fans were noticing.
     In Athlone, Dylan held up Jack's phone and laughed.
     "Seems Mark does care. Wow, there's no end to these texts. " Dylan said. He began to read the texts in a mocking baby voice.
     Are you okay?
     We're getting worried about you.
     Sèan? Sweetie please answer!
     I'm gonna fly out there if I have to.
     "Maerk.... " Jack whispered. He was cut off by a sudden blow to his stomach. Bending over, a tear slipped down his pale cheek. But this time, Mark wasn't there to comfort him.
     Two weeks later, Mark was finally on his way to Ireland. When the plane landed he jumped up and raced to the door, jumping in a taxi. When Jack's house came into view, he gulped nervously. Paying the driver, he jumped in and ran upstairs. Finding a locked door, he grumbled and backed up. Mark pointed his shoulder to the door and ran into it as quick as he could.
     The door crashed open and Mark immediately noticed a huddled figure on the floor. He raced over and rolled it over.
     "M-Maerk? " it asked. Mark realized it was Jack and he pulled the Irishman close and grinned. When Jack pulled away, he frowned. In the sudden light, every bruise and wound was illuminated and Jack's eyes no longer sparkled. Mark could see the brokenness and defeat in his boyfriend's dull blue eyes.
     "C'mon. I'm getting you out of here. " Mark commanded. Jack nodded and hesitantly stepped out of the room.
     "It's lucky ye came now. Dylan just left to take care of somet'in.  He would've killed ye if he'd been here. " Jack whispered, his voice quiet and broken. Mark grabbed Jack's hand and hurried him to the door.
     When they reached it, however, it flew open all it's own. In the doorway stood Dylan. Jack gasped and fell to the ground in shock. Mark stopped and stared at the shotgun pointed straight towards his chest. Jack let out a sob and Mark slowly sat on the floor, still watching the gun. When Dylan spoke, he growled angrily.
     "So, Mark. You fancy yourself a hero, huh? " he said.
     "No. Just getting him away from you. Keeping him safe. "
     "You actually still care about him? Considering you haven't heard from him in a month. He's mine now, Fischbach. " Dylan spat. Mark spread his arms to shield Jack.
     "I'm not very keen on discussing that now. Just let us go Dylan. Please. Neither of us have done anything to you. " Mark pleaded. Dylan chuckled darkly as he stepped forward, pressing the gun against Mark's chest.
     "To the contrary, Mark. You have done something to me. You stole my boyfriend. People can't just steal my stuff, after all. There are, " he paused a second, smiling, "certain consequences. "
     "I didn't steal him. You lost him. " Mark pointed out. Dylan growled, pulling the gun away slightly. Mark took this opportunity to shove Jack sideways into the living room. He blocked the door with a chair and froze, panting.
     "Really Mark? You'd sacrifice yourself for that trash? " he spoke. Mark nodded, concentrating on the door.
     On the other side of the door, Jack stood up and banged on the door. He yelled Mark's name and pleaded to be let out. Realizing no one would answer, he sank against the door and sobbed.
     "You should probably listen to him Mark. " Dylan said, nodding to the door. No sounds came from the other side. Jack had settled for listening.
     "And what're you gonna do about it Dylan? Shoot me? " Mark taunted. A click sounded from the gun. Mark flinched as Dylan pointed it once more to the right side of Mark's chest.
     "I could. "
     "You wouldn't. " Mark countered.
     "Oh, really? Why not? " Dylan sneered.
     "You wouldn't get away with it. Sure, you'd kill me, but they'd still find you. Would life in prison really be worth it? " Mark begged. Dylan rolled his eyes.
     "So? You'd be dead, and that's all I care about. "
     "Then shoot. I'm done with these big words. Either shoot me, or go. " Mark said. Jack whispered a quiet 'no'.
     "Ya know what? Fine. One thing, though. Say hello to your dad for me, will ya? " Dylan teased. Mark's face blanched as the gun was repointed to his chest and fired. He fell sideways a             half-second before the bullet reached him.
     Jack heard the gunblast and yelled when he heard a dull thump outside the door. Forcing it open, he shoved the chair out of the way just as Dylan ran. Jack smiled at the sound of sirens. He raced over to Mark, who smiled slowly. His hand was clutched at the right side of his chest. His white shirt was beginning to stain red.
     "H-Hey Jack. He's g-gone now. " Mark chuckled. Jack smiled through his tears. He pulled a strip of fabric off his own shirt and wrapped it around Mark's injured chest. Mark's warm hand stopped Jack when he tried to tear a second strip.
     "No. Stop S-Sèan. It's n-no use. " Mark whispered. Jack shook his head and continued to wrap his boyfriend's chest.
     "Yes. It is. I'm not going to let ye die here while I'm still alive. " Mark tried to fight back but he was too weak. "An ambulance will be here soon and t'ey can help ye. Please. "
     Suddenly, two men burst in wearing uniforms. The paramedics kneeled down by Jack and questioned him. They brought in a gurney and wheeled Mark out. A policeman stopped Jack at the sidewalk.
     "Let me go with him! " Jack pleaded. The officer shook his head no. Behind him, two more like him had forced Dylan into the back of a police car and were beginning to drive away
     "Sir, follow me. You won't be able to go with him. They'll need all the space they can get to help him, alright? " the officer said. Jack nodded and entered a police car. The city blurred as they followed the ambulance containing Mark.
     When they arrived at the hospital, Jack sprang out and watched as Mark was wheeled in. He sniffed back a tear when Mark's pale face disappeared from view.
     He waited in the waiting room until a solemn doctor approached.
     "Are you here for Mark Fischbach? " he asked. Jack nodded quickly.
     "Is he alright? "
     "Hopefully. "
     "Whadda ye mean 'hopefully'? " Jack said, his voice raised. The doctor shrugged.
     "He's out of surgery to remove the bullet. He's still asleep right now. We don't know what will happen next. " the doctor carried on in a monotone voice. Jack growled softly in reply.
     "Well, can I go see him? " he questioned. The doctor nodded slowly and Jack ran up to his room.
     When he entered, Mark's brown eyes opened and he smiled. Jack ran up to him and grabbed his hand. Mark smiled softly.
     "Ye're okay! " Jack whispered. Mark smiled wider and ran a hand through Jack's green hair.
     "Yeah. Still hurts like hell though. " Mark attempted to joke. Jack giggled quietly.
     "No duh. Ye kinda sorta got shot. "
     "That really happened then? I was almost hoping it was a fucked up dream. " Mark murmured. Jack shook his head, laying it on Mark's chest.
     "We going home when I'm better? " Mark asked slowly. Jack nodded as he settled himself on the chair.
     A week later, Mark and Jack arrived home to find Chica bounding up and down in excitement. They sat on a couch and cuddled, finally at peace now that Dylan was out of the way.
     Life looked a lot brighter now.

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