Chapter 1

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I'm a 17 year old girl, my name is Quinn Evans and this is my story. So about 14 years ago, there was this boy who lived next door to me. His room was straight across from mine. On most days his curtains would be wide open, but then on others they would be closed. My family and I moved into this house when I was about 6 months old. At that time, that's when my family met our neighbors. Since then, we never talked to the Johnsons ever again and the curtains of that boy's room have been closed 24/7, 2 years after we moved in and continuing now. Till this day I've always wondered who was behind that window.
Now that I'm a senior at Lake Smith High School, I can keep hoping that I will receive an acceptance letter from the college of my dreams. Columbia University in Manhattan, New York. I would love to go there. It's a private school, and I've just heard so many good things about it. Plus I really am aching to go to New York and explore all around the city and have new experiences.
Moving on from all of that day dreaming, I get to the school. We are two weeks into our second semester of school. I drive in the back section where all the seniors park their car and move up my Impala lt through the yellow lines, right before it hits the bump. I park, grab my bookbag, keys, phone, and wallet and open the door. When I step out of the car, I slam the door shut and lock it twice. As I walk in through the school doors and step into the hallway I see my best friend Erin walk up to me, leaving behind a circle of some of our other friends. "Hey girl," Erin shouts. "Hey bestie," I say while we link arms to walk to the bathroom. When we walk into the bathroom we stop in the mirror and fix our makeup a little bit. "So what did you do this weekend," she asks me as I finish putting on my fuscia colored lip stick. "You know, basically nothing except last night my sister made me take her to get a shake at The Little Cafe," I say while putting the cap back on the lip stick. "Oh really," she laughs while finishing putting on her mascara and then says, "I love their coffee!" "Yes! Me too," I exclaim and we link arms again and walk out of the bathroom. While we walk back to our other friends, I lock eyes with Caleb Hill. He has darkish brown hair, and bright beautiful eyes. His lips look so plump and all I want to do is kiss them. And his outfits are just so put together, that they are indescribable. He is also pretty lonely and I don't think he has much friends. I wonder why? I mean he is really hot and everything but I do have a boyfriend. So I should probably stop dreaming about another guy. But I mean I know it sounds bad, but every girl whether they have a boyfriend or not think about other guys. My actual boyfriend is Dan. Dan is the hottest guy in the school, well to me anyway. His hair is kind of a lighter brown that's so soft to the touch and his eyes are a deep green color. And he is the greatest kisser of all time. Probably because he's the only guy I kissed but I mean he is very good at it. Dan is the first boyfriend I have had. We have been dating for about a year. He is just the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. "So what do you think Q," asks Erin. I snap out of my own thoughts and say, "Oh sorry about what?"
"If you think I should wear red to the prom this year."
"Wow, you're talking about prom already? Isn't it in 4 months? But yes I think you would
look good in red at prom," I answer to Erin.
"So do you think Dan will be taking you to prom," asks one of our friends Michelle.
"Well I mean we've only been dating for a year and 2 months, so I think it's a good possibility," I answer snarky and sarcastically while everyone giggles except Michelle because she rolls her eyes from my remark. *BEEP* *BEEP* And that's the bell for first period.
My first period class I have with Dan. It's honors english. When I walk in the desks are set like tables with four desks pushed together for groups. I sit next to Dan since he was saving me a seat. "Hey Q," Dan says as pulls me in for a quick kiss before the bell rings. Ms. Bell, our english teacher walks in while the bell rings. "Hello class. As you can see I have the desks set in groups of fours for our next project, this time you will get to pick your own groups with 2 boys and 2 girls in them. So I will take attendance now, while you think of who you want in your groups," she says as she sits at her desk to take attendance. Dan puts his hand on my leg as he turns to me. "So I was thinking that a group could be me, you, Erin, and Michael." "Sure that sounds like a perfect group for me," I exclaim while I put my hand on top of his hand. Michael is Dan's best friend and I think he might have a thing for Erin.
40 minutes later... *BEEP* *BEEP*
"See you after school Q," Dan says as he kisses my forehead and walks away. After that I start walking to second period. Second period I have science. While I'm walking to class, I notice Caleb walking in front of me. Then I realize that he is in my class!
Mr. Foreman walks in with a clipboard. "Alright students, today we are going to do a lab and then afterwards start a new project that might take up the rest of the quarter. You will be working in groups of 2 and I will be picking," he continues on, "Abby and Richard, Faith and Henry, Donna and Brett, Quinn and Caleb....."
He continues on saying names but that doesn't matter. OMG I'm in a group with Caleb! Stay calm Q, stay calm. Mr. Foreman talks some more about what we have to do in our lab and for our project. He is going to assign us assignments to do each day. Since the project might take up the rest of the quarter, he says we can work outside of school too. "Hey Quinn," Caleb says to me smiling. "Hey Caleb you have beautiful eyes," I say a little too cheery. Why did I just say that? "Sorry uh I mean--," Caleb cuts me off, "You have really beautiful eyes too," he winks at me. I start to blush.
And that's how the conversation went.
In class we were just talking, getting to know each other, and messing around. Since we didn't get any of our work done, we made plans to go to The Little Cafe right after school.
After my last class of the day, I went straight to my car. I put the keys in the engine and was off to The Little Cafe. I am so excited to meet him there and get to know him some more. Oh and yeah finish our homework.
Driving through the town almost there, thinking in my head we already seem like we're best friends and I feel like I can tell him anything. With that thought bubbling around in my head, I get to The Little Cafe. I pull up into the parking lot and find a place to park. Once I'm parked I get my stuff and walk into the cafe. When I walk in I find that I'm here before him, so I take that to my advantage and order myself a coffee and get my stuff out at a table in the back corner before he shows up. 2 minutes later I get my coffee, and he walks in looking as adorable as ever. Do I have feelings for him? I don't know. He orders himself a coffee and when it's done getting made, he comes to sit next to me. Like literally right next to me, not across from me, NEXT TO ME. I try not to be obvious and I scoot in a little more closer to him, barely touching his arm next to mine. "So do you want to work on our homework and then we can talk afterwards," I ask. "Sure Q," he answers with a smile. His smile and him calling me Q makes my stomach fill up with butterflies.
After 30 minutes of finishing our work we start talking and getting to know each other more. "So where do you want to go to college after we graduate," he asks me.
"Well my dream school is Columbia University."
"You really want to know? Nobody's ever asked me that because they don't care where I go as long as its college."
"Yes I do want to know"
"I've heard so many great stories about it. It's a private school so that would make me feel special if I got accepted to go there to a private school. It seems like it could be a great adventure. Meeting new people, traveling around the state of New York, and learning what my interests are. I was kind of leaning towards majoring in writing and minoring in education. I love writing even though I haven't tried to write in a while, and I don't know teaching sounds fun to teach little kids and to feel good about yourself to make an impact on their lives." He listened and nodded through the whole thing. It felt good to let it all out and to know that someone was actually listening to me for once. "Wow that was very deep. I love to write too and I think that you can be a writer if you just believe in yourself and find all of your strengths."
"Thank you Caleb. You're the only person who actually listened to me in a while."
"No problem, but doesn't your boyfriend ever listen to you?" After he said that, I realized that this whole time I forgot all about Dan and I also forgot to meet up with him after school.
"Well Dan does listen to me sometimes. It's like sometimes our relationship could be really good and we can talk through everything and understand each other, but then there are times where our relationship can be bad, and he never listens to me. I think it's because he gets so stressed about being on the football team, basketball team, and having to keep up with classes and worrying about college."
"Well that Dan guy is a real idiot if he ever cheats on you. If you were mine I would never let you go." I just noticed that we have been staring into each other's eyes this whole time and our faces are just so close. I feel myself leaning in towards him. He leans in towards me and grabs my face. Our lips slowly press against each other and in that moment it feels as if there are fireworks going off. We kiss as if nobody's watching, it's like we are bath bombs waiting to explode on one another. After that moment goes away, we pull away from each other. "Um I have to go now," I say while getting all my stuff. "Oh uh okay see you at school tomorrow," he questions at me. "Yeah definitely," I say feeling embarrassed right after I said that.
Wow I guess I do have feelings for him. And he is a very good kisser.

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