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I’m the boss of the Mars headquarter in L.A. The biggest headquarter of all, let’s say the headquarters of headquarters. But that been said, I will continue.

On every headquarter there is  a special book. I know it sounds weird, but with that book you can go to another world. We call it the world of MARS (it isn’t Mars though). This book is a passing, it’s like a door. Most of the people call it a magic book. Not everyone can become one of the believers, not everyone can become a member of the Echelon. I was assigned to this job when I helped a lot of people. Jared, Shannon and Tomo personally visited me to give me this job. And now, here I live. In the great city of Los Angeles, master of the headquarter. Every evening I enter the world of MARS. Several members of the Echelon will be there too and we just chat. Every time I’m there the world is different. One time it was a forest and the other time I was suddenly in the mountains. It is so crazy to enter a world like that, but the people I meet, they are amazing.

“Samantha, it’s time to go.” Xandra said to me. Xandra Durant is my best friend and also the second boss. “I know Xandra, let me grab my stuff and then we are on our way. Are Desmond and Michael already on their post to protect the book?” “Yes they are, don’t you worry. We are save as always.” Xandra replied. I grabbed my bag and my sunglasses, you never know where we will go. “Okay, done. Let’s go!” Every time we are about to enter the world I’m extremely enthusiastic. Look, there is this boy. He has like shoulder long black hair with green highlights. I know it sounds weird, but I’m intensely attracted to him and I still hope he’s also attracted to me. I opened the book on the right page and stroke my hand over the page. The page started to change and it turned into doorway. We both put our right hands on the page and we got sucked into the world of MARS. This time we are on a beach, during sundown. It’s truly magical. Almost everyone was already arrived. And that special man too. I really need to know his name.
Everyone decided that this night should be a night of partying, instead of work and I agreed. I walked to the sea and took off my shoes to enter the water. The water felt great when he came to me. “Hi, my name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex.” He said. “You must be the boss?” He asked me then. I nodded. “Yes I am. My name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam if you’d like.” I said with a polite smile. “No I think I call you Samantha. That is such a beautiful name, don’t make it short to Sam.” He said looking into my eyes. Then he looked back to the horizon.  Suddenly someone jelled my name. “Samantha, there is trouble upstairs.” It mend in the real world. “What is it? Give me the details.” I immediately ordered. This mend the end of the party and that on such a great night. “It’s about the boys. Something happened. A group was looking for a fight, the Chintura, and they are after them. Right now!” “They are calling for their soldiers. It’s time to go to war!” “Everyone follow me. We are going to help our boys, this is a call to arms!” I jelled. Everyone made a perfect row and marched behind me. Xandra at one side of me and Alex at the other side of me. There is always one part of the world that we could enter/exit and we would be immediate with the boys completely armed. We are on our way to our captains and commanders. No one beats the Echelon, because we are a family!

Jared, Shannon and Tomo were our true leaders and when they call, we are in action!

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