“Oh no!’ I said. I had just realized that I had the WRONG diary. This was my science notebook. I thought it would be smart to buy two identical notebooks one for school one for a diary. Well, my science partner Mary was sick. Since she was sick I told her she could borrow my notebook. There is only forty-five minutes of school left! If I don’t get my journal back I won’t have it until Monday! Mary’s nice but, she’s a huge gossip. So I can’t just ask for it back. I dashed down the hall to see if I could catch Mary. I was too late. She had already been swallowed up by the mass sea of people. I desperately ran into my last class and asked for a bathroom pass. I told her I wasn’t feeling well and would be in there for a while. Which right about I felt horrible. I thought for a second and remembered her telling me she was dreading reading class next period. I ran down the hall took a left and ran down another hall. I checked my watch; I only had forty minutes left until dismissal. I finally arrived. The door was locked a note was taped to the door. I read aloud “At Library”. Oh man! That’s on the opposite side of the school! I was out of breath from my sprint so I speed walked to the library. I got to the library and burst through the door. I scanned the library. Aha! There she was, I walked towards the reading teacher. “Uh... I uh… left something in your uh… class.” I stuttered anxiously. “What?” she asked curiously. “I left a notebook.” I replied softly. “Oh, well I don’t have the keys; I left them with the janitor so he could clean my room.” I continued my journey and ran aimlessly down the hall. I stopped at a water fountain. I glanced at my watch, only 30 minutes left. How am I going to find the janitor? I froze in my tracks when I saw two people walking down the hall. I turned and pretended I was drinking. “Yuck, I can’t believe she threw up!” Girl 1 said. “I know right!” Girl 2 responded. They seemed to be eight graders. I hoped they were and ran back to the other side of the school. I knocked on the door. I wasn’t sure exactly were the math class was. So I just walked around until I found it. I got there just in time. The janitor was leaving. I asked him for the keys. I was glad I didn’t have to wait and watch him clean. Then there would have been TWO messes for him to clean up. He gave them to m. I ran to the reading room, 20 minutes left. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find Mary’s bag. It never occurred to me until now maybe she put her stuff in her locker. I whisked through the halls and knocked hurriedly on the Art door. “May I speak to Katherine?” I asked the teacher. “Yes you may.” he said. She came to the door. I took a quick glance at my watch and realized I only had 10 minutes. I took me five minutes to convince Katherine why I needed Mary’s locker combination. Mary and Katherine are best friends. I skipped to the lockers finally assured everything was okay. I repeatedly failed. I looked down, 5 minutes left. I finally found my notebook and made the switch. “YES!!!” I screeched. As I got on my bus later Mary not realizing I had switched the notebooks already asked “Do you want your journal?” What! She already knew? I hit my head up against the seat realizing I should have just asked.