Secrets. (One Direction)

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Hi! I am Jessie Rusk! I have the perfect life. My mother and father are both happily married, we are loaded with money, I am really smart, I go to a good school, I have so many friends that there are too many to even start to count, I am really pretty, I have the best clothes in school, I am really good at sports, and we have a nice house! -Right... only one could dream of that. My life is nothing like that. My mother and father divorced two months ago due to the fact he abused all of us. We struggle with money more than we should. I am not very smart.. I have had to repeat the tenth grade two times now! I go to a terrible school; I live in danger of getting jumped or maybe even shot if it gets too extreme. I am a loner; I used to have a friend called Layla, but she bailed on me when she found out how messed up my life is. I am so ugly that every time I look in the mirror I get even more disgusted with myself. I barely have any clothes, and the ones that I do have are old with some small stains. I hate sports only because I get made fun of when I try. My mother is very sick and is bruised from when my dad came back a few days ago. Oh and the best part is, is that I have an older that died.Then our house... there is just the four of us now but there still isn't enough room.I get bullied on a daily basis for the way I look and the circumstances that I have to deal with. So instead of ranting anymore I will skip to the conclusion: I have a terrible life.

Guys I know this is a terrible prologue thing, but it will get better! I promise! Keep reading and I love you babes! -Kourtney xx

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