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Part 2 - 5 years later
{if you wanna be in the final chapter tell me in the comments Nate is already taken so tell me your name and who you wanna be with!}

Jack j added y/n to the chat

Jack j added jack g to the chat

Jack j added Derek to the chat

Jack j added Nate to the chat

Jack j added Swazz to the chat

Jack j added Sammy to the chat

Jack j added Madison to the chat

Jack j added y/e/n to the chat

Jack j:hey I miss you guys let's talk about what happened five years ago after Christmas please

Jack g:yeah that's a great idea j

Sammy:I'm down

Madison:I wasn't in the chat five years ago but okay

Y/e/n:same but I wanna talk stuff out with y/n

Derek:same here

Nate:I didn't have any problems but okay

Swazz:I'm down too

Y/n:okay I guess we can talk

Jack j:I'll go first!

Jack j:so g when you basically kicked me out that really damaged a great friendship and I see you have kids now and I'm happy for you bro I just want my best friend back and to see my nieces and Madison I'm sorry for treating you like a hoe and a child forgive and forget?

Jack g:forgive and forget buddy I missed you bro and I'm sorry for ruining our friendship with my relationship

Madison:forgive and forget and I'm sorry for being such a nasty bitch during those times

Jack j:were all good now! Sam how are you?

Sammy:well me and stassie are friends for now and I'm single like a Pringle but it's okay because now I have time to work on my music and stuff I'm actually coming out with an album soon!

Jack j:great for you I'm proud of you!

Jack g:wow go ahead Sam!

Y/n:proud of you too Sammy boy!

Jack j:y/e/n it's your turn

Y/e/n:so I honestly don't know what I did to make you hate me so much you've hated me since high school and I just wanna be friends

Y/n:well what you did was fuck up my whole life for me that's what you did!

Y/e/n:well how I just wanna know and make it up to you!

Y/n:well you had spend my saving on you not even me it was you, you made me go to a foreign country where you got arrested many times and I had to bail you out many times I could barely get home at that point!

Y/n:also there was prom where I had a date and you third wheeled and at the end of the night I was third wheeling and you were fucking my date in the teachers bathroom and if I was so emotional this would have meant nothing and I'd probably still be dumb enough to be your friend!

Y/e/n:I'm so sorry but that was high school y/n that's been way over for a long time can't you just let it go

Y/n:yeah as soon as I get my 10 grand back from bailing you out so much!

Derek:10 grand worth of bail!

Sammy:did you have any other options?

Y/n:you it's called sucking dick and I wasn't gonna do that!

Y/e/n:listen I don't have 10 grand can't I do something else?

Y/n:honestly I wanna see my prom date!

Y/e/n:why would you think I still have his number I have a great husband in by the name of Derek

Derek:that's me bitches best husband and dad of the year

Y/n:don't even lie I know you have it

Y/e/n:I don't but I have his Instagram it's Alexaiono

Y/n:okay I'll look him up later but we can start slow we're not hoping back into friends just yet I need to know I can trust you!

Y/e/n:I promise in won't let you down!

Derek:y/n I know you were mad that I got with your enemy but I love her and I want you to accept us and your niece too she really wants to meet you your my baby sister and best friend 😭

Y/n:fine forgive and forget

Jack j:yeah everyone's happy is there any good news from Swazz and Nate?

Swazz:we're adopting a baby girl and boy soon

Nate:I'm excited!

Y/n:aww I'm so happy for y'all

Jack g:same

Jack j:congrats guys

Madison:do I here baby shower maybe or we can just hangout for once

Sammy:lets go to the strip club

Derek:some of us have someone to strip for them at home while their baby is at a friends

Y/n:I'll go with you Sam!

Sammy:or you can come over and strip for me!

Y/n:maybe I'll take that offer

Swazz:ooh it just got steamy in here

Sammy:get your ass over here!

Y/n:okay that's all I needed to read!

Aww that was cute for part 2 no drama everything is good so I'm gonna be updating a lot today and maybe tomorrow because I wanna end this book I'm sorry but I have no inspiration and I don't want it to sit here undone

Love y'all

Stay beautiful loves

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