Chapter 20

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A strange sound woke Romelia from her sleep. Lifting her head, she blinked open her eyes to see a girl with black hair. She was standing out on the balcony. Her hair moved in the wind as she looked up at the moon.

"You haven't disappeared completely," the girl muttered just high enough for her hear. "I'll get you get back for what you did to us. You stabbed us in the back. And now, I'll do the same to you. And this girl. It'll be your fault."

Romelia's fear skyrocketed as she spoke. Her heart pounded loudly against her chest from it. She realized that it was her who was the one who gave Cyri that wound to the back. She's going to kill me! she thought. She's going to kill me because of Cyri!

But what did Cyri do? another part whispered to her. Maybe Cyri isn't as nice as you thought.

Romelia shook her head. N-no! Cyri has been nothing but nice to me!

He could have been manipulating you, it whispered again. He could have been waiting for you to let your guard down so he could strike you when you least expected it.

No! Romelia covered her ears tightly, trying to block out the poisonous voices. As she did, her arm hit a book that was resting on her nightstand. It clattered to the ground with a loud Thunk! Romelia's eyes widened in horror when she realized what she had done.

The girl's head lifted at the sound. Without turning, she spoke. "So. You're awake?" The girl chuckled as she turned to face her. "Good." Romelia saw she had dark purple eyes. There was something in them, something black, other than her pupils. Before she could figure it out, a sudden sharp pain raced across her head, causing the girl to clutch her head with a whimper.

As she walked over, the girl reached into her pocket. Romelia tipped her head curiously as she brought out something shiny. Even though something was telling her to run, she couldn't move. Romelia jumped a bit when a blade came out.

"Now girly," she cooed. "You're going to come with me." The blade felt cold against her cheek when the girl placed it on her face. Fear froze Romelia even more and kept her from calling out for help. She finched as the girl's hand moved sharply, cutting her cheek. "If you don't, my hand may slip again, but in a diferent place. Maybe... your neck, your chest, anywhere."

Romelia nodded numbly and the girl grinned. "Good. Now, let's go back down."

Romelia stood at the base of her tree, the cold knife pressed against her back. The girl was behind her with an arm over her throat. Her arm made it a bit hard to breath, but the silver haired teen could get enough air.

She had her eyes shut tight from fear as she trembled slightly. Her actions seemed to amuse the girl, because she chuckled while Romelia whimpered when the knife was pressed a bit harder against her. Despite this, Romelia refused to cry, even though that voice kept telling her that he wasn't coming, that he had already left. But Romelia continued to believe and hope that he would come.

Romelia squirmed a little when the bushes rustle. The girl tightened her grip on Romelia, making her let out a small whimper.

"Romelia! Romelia, where are you?!"

"Stay," the girl hissed as she pushed the blade into her back even more, almost breaking skin. Romelia obliged silently.

The bushes rustled as someone ran into the clearing. Romelia's heart soared when she recognized who it was. She even started crying a little as she whispered a single word.


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