Chapter 1

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"Just die!"I screamed to the ugly creatures we call goblins. They attacked me harshly but I had a fighting spirit. A spirit that was slowly dying. I tried to escape but I was blocked at every turn in the Supernatural forest where you never kn ow what's lurking. Never. I punched, kicked, and stabbed but I still fell short. The goblin leader had special power and with the wave of his deformed fingers and the stench of his horrid, visible breath my arm began to blister and twist in excrutiating agony.

"Damnit!,"I screamed in pain. I clutched my arm in pain as the goblins laughed evilly. Staring intentley, I cursed them out one by one.

"Ewww! You kiss your momma with that mouth," the leader taunted. The 4 henchmen pulled me up and pinned me against a gigantic oak tree. They bit me with their poisonous fangs and the slime dripped into the bites. They stung like the flames of hell. Yeah, I've been. The bites were infected and it hurt worse when I struggled against the slimy restraints. The poison slowly ate at my system because I was slowy drifting. Yet, out of nowhere the goblins were all knocked down. at once. I fell to the leaf covered ground with blurry vision seeing 4 fuzzy figures looking down on me. I was suddenly picked up bridal style effortlessy. I could not clearly see my saviors but I did see the darkness that took over.


'Is she awake yet?,' I heard a voice ask.

'Yes but she's pretending.....,' said another.

' I'm just glad she's alright.'

'Yeah, she was going to perish if we didn't show.' My eyes fluttered open after the final voice spoke. I found myself in a soft bed with a velvet comforter and velvet sheets. My torn clothes were replaced with a soft gown that was just above my knees. My hair flowed down my back and looked neater than usual. I hoped the mirror wasn't playing tricks because I looked too good to be a victim of an attack. I was too lost in thought to notice that my 4 saviors had entered the room. I got up  and started towards them. 

"You don't have to thank us," the blonde one said. Their faces were nonchalant and smug, like they weren't happy at all.They had a victorian style to their choice of attire. Long black robes and silver chains with red medallions. Silky vests and leg length boots. Collars popped and standing at attention.

"How long was I out?" I asked curiously. The blonde one spoke up once more while the others just...stared. Weird.

"3 days straight."

"What! Oh no! I have to go!," My eyes searched the room for my hunting gear and that's when the short brunette guy spoke up. See, there were two brunettes. One tall. One short.

"You looking for this?" He pulled my belt strap of daggers, knives, and whips. He even had my tiny potions and eulixurs I got from my twin sister. She's a witch by the way. They looked at me with their heads shaking disappointedly. Hmm... I snatched it out of his hand checking to see if anything was missing.

"I just want to know why a pretty girl like carrying weapons!" the tall brunette yelled. I was taken a back. I had buttons and he pushed the self-distruct. No one underestimates me.

" Carrying those things can get you hurt...used or not,"said the black haired one. 

"What's your deal. I only use this on supernatural beings like werewolves, goblins, evil wizards demons and v-." I couldn't finish my sentence without 4 pairs of fangs being displayed before my very eyes. Damnit! First goblins, now vamps! I just don't care anymore!

"Kill me! Nothing's stopping you," I offered.

"Actually, there is. Your birthmark on your right wrist is the same as our King's bestfriend Joseph Laquer. He was a great man and we respected him greatly." He was talking about my father. My father. The one I went into the forest looking for. The one who has been missing for 6 years. He went to King Ferdinand's castle and never returned. I know he's not dead. There's a special reason.

" I'm convinced he's dead," said blondie.

"Hang on a second! What's your name?"

"Oh right, we weren't properly introduced. I'm Kendall. Over there is Logan. That's James and there is Carlos." I nodded as my stomach grolwed like a bear.

"I'll get you some food," Logan stated as he exited the room.

"My father isn't dead!"

"How do you know?" Carlos questioned with a fairly high raised brow. Cute. Very cute.

"We both have a fire we share. If he dies the fire is gone. Simple."

"Wow...what a spectacular reason," James chuckled.

"It's true," I said through gritted teeth.

"Where's this fire you speak of?"Logan asked as he laid down a plate of warm assortment doughnuts and a glass Heaven's sanctified aroma filled the room.

"I'll show you." I closed my eyes and felt the fire my father and I shared. We were both mortals but possessed a gift that was unexplainable. My whole body was in flames from the inside and it showed on the out. The inside of my skin was a mix of red, yellow, and orange. It made the room glow. Jaws dropped one by one.

"Wow...that's amazing,"Carlos complimented. Me and him were gonna connect. I felt it.

" Beauty with power is very rare these days,"James winked. I rolled my eyes and ate a chocloate covered doughnut from the glass, vintage plate.

"Anymore surprises?"Kendall asked. I thought about one in partcular.

"Well...yes. One more."

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