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Kai's POV
"MR.KING CAN U PLZ ANSWER QUESTION NUMBER 21" the ugly ass teacher yelled making me snap out of my trance on my phone almost making me almost drop my phone 'this bitch ' I thought. "Did u see me rise my hand ? No so why the fuck would I want to answer it ?" I said meaning every word she's always trya  call out someone its so fucked up "like bitch get a life " I thought rolling my eyes.

"Kai. young sir u can go straight to the office if u want to roll your eyes and talk back" she said spit flying from her mouth ,getting up and grabbing my stuff I walk out of the classroom not giving a fuck her ass always trya  start something with me mainly. I walk down the hall looking around my eyes come across my bestfriend Jimmy he was making out with some girl Jimmy was always a player "hey Kai where u going ?" He asked me  stopping the girl from kissing further"to the office cuz of that ugly ass teach" Jimmy laughed and went back to kissing.That Boy.

When I got to the office it was quite but not for long when my mami gets here it's going down for real if you take her a way from making money all hell is gonna break lose and I mean it when it comes to money my mami don't play she just don't,I walked up to the front desk to see Mrs.gray "hey Mrs.gray I....." My mouth was trying to say but she stopped me "Kai u got In trouble didn't u ?" Smiling and noding she shake her head "go sit down".

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