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So here's the ending, its more of a summary of what happens. Taylor xx

10 years later

After that day, everyone mourned. Especially me, if I had only remembered what day it was only an hour earlier I could have saved James, Lily and Harry. Since I was his godmother and Sirius still went to Azkaban, I was put in charge of Harry's well being.

I decided to teach at Hogwarts, it was an extracurricular class all about full werewolves and their history. Everyone knew what I was but there was still a surprisingly good turn up for the first meeting.

The relationship between me and Severus was just a friendship until about a year after I adopted Harry. Currently, we are married and have 3 children, Harry being adopted and the oldest, 11 and waiting for his Hogwarts letter. Then there's Rayvn who looks exactly like me except for the hair color which is black. She's 9. Lilith is our youngest, 6. She is short with pale skin, blue eyes and my reddish brown hair.

We are happy.  

Sister of Moon, descendant of BlackWhere stories live. Discover now