You are my sunshine

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A/N This is so cliche, but why not put my own twist in it.

👽Narrator POV👽
Will ran through the burning woods with sweat beading on his forehead, he didn't know where the rest of the campers went or if they were still alive. He was unarmed and scared. War broke out of nowhere. It was unpredicted. All he remember was playing volleyball and then turning around to see the Ares kids attacking large mobs of empousa.

☀️Wills POV☀️
I ran through the forest looking for civilization. Where is Nico? Or Austin? Kayla? Anyone? I would've stopped running if the woods weren't burning down. I didn't have the time or concern to make sure my clothes aren't on fire. My whole body is burning. I finally run out of the woods to a place that's not in flames. And I take off my shirt that's pretty much torn fabric and ashes and examine my injuries. Nothing too bad but will leave a mark. I got back up and start looking around to get ahold of my surroundings.
I know where I'm at. I'm just west of camp. I slowly and quietly crept back to camp, not wanting to draw attention to myself from anything lurking in the shadows. About a few minutes into walking I heard some voices shouting orders.

I ran towards them assuming they were campers. The voices led me back to camp turning out to be Sherman Yang yelling at everyone to get armored up and violent stuff like that. I ran to the infirmary and took a swig of nectar, washed my hands, out on rubber gloves, and a surgical mask, I grabbed all of my supplies and a stretcher and ran right outside the infirmary. The first person I saw was Nico, he was battling a big ugly monster. I'm pretty sure called a catoblepas, it have a body of a buffalo and a head of a wild boar.

With green liquid oozing from its nostrils, and red spikes poking from its back, with a really long neck with its head drooping down. I noticed Nico was trying his hardest not to meet its gaze but not get jabbed with its huge horns. The monster blew smoke or steam out of its nose and pounced at Nico, causing him to jump up and use the monsters horns to pull himself up onto the monsters neck, while he pulled his sword out and stabbed the monster in the neck while yanking the sword from left to right decapitating the poor thing as gold dust exploded and Nico falling to the ground, then running towards me, wrapping me into a warm hug. I hugged him back "Whats going on?" I asked.

"I don't know. Nobody knows. Monsters attacked. Other non-Greek figures are attacking us. Like the thing I just defeated. It's from Ethiopia!" Nico announced. Before I could respond I heard Kayla calling my name. I ran toward her and she told me to help a camper that was injured.

In the middle of helping the camper, I turned around to see a Minotaur running towards me and it's horns dug into my chest. Excruciating pain burst through my chest. It felt like oxygen just cut off. Then everything went black.

👻Nico POV👻
I heard Will scream behind me, so I turned around but it was too late. I saw a Minotaur whipping around his limp body as blood ran down its horn. All of my emotions I've been holding back burst through me. My heart felt like it was going to shoot out of my chest. My stomach clenched at the gushing blood running at of his body.

I ran towards the Minotaur, holding my sword above my head and my vision went black. Once I opened my eyes gold dust was everywhere. In front of me was Will's dead body with a horn still in it. Then a loud low hum filled my ears with my brain rattling. Reminding me that Wills life force was gone.
I fell to my knees hovering over Will's body and began to cry.
This can't be happening.
Why must everyone I get close to die?
Am I cursed?
Am I a curse?
I now understand why nobody else wants me around.
I never knew how much Will meant to me until he was gone.
My sunshine.
My only sunshine.
Is dead.
I don't care that a war is going on.
Matter of fact I want a monster to attack me so I can be gone.
Out of all people why take him away from me.
I open my eyes my vision blurred from tears.
And see his limp body with a large hole through his chest and dark red-
I don't even want to explain.
I look around at the ground.
The grass is brown and yellow.
Everything I touch is dead.
Everything I love is dead.
I hate myself.
I hate the fates.
They put me in this position.
The gods and fates use us demigods as little toy dolls to do whatever they want us to do that'll entertain them. This is messed up. A screwed up system. The world is screwed up. I'm tired. Burned out. I'm done.

A/N it was hard for me to not cry while writing this. But I'm very satisfied with this work. I hope you like it! Or that this wrecked your feelings! 😜😏

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