Chapter 6: Bread Crumbs

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Azure somehow managed to talk Susan into letting her be there for the diagnostics on Sonny. There were a couple of regulations, paperwork and safety protocols to go over but since Susan was in charge for the moment, it was allowed. That is after Azure had signed a disclosure agreement.

Azure wondered, as she walked the streets towards Gigi's house, where the old robots went after they were made obsolete by newer versions. Were they recycled into junk metal? Upgraded to become a part of the newer robots? Or, which was more unlikely, put into storage and slowly loose power and die? Azure wasn't quite comfortable with that thought. On the other hand they were only robots. But they had the potential to become so much more. After all, USR were able to replace lost limbs with robot machinery, how was creating a human-like robot any different?

Azure was cut from her musing by clapping and a few cheers. She stopped to watch a family trade in for an NS-5. The robot bent down to hug the small child of its new family. A slight burst of envy and overwhelming sadness shot through her, before she tried to push it away. her parents had died in some kind of industrial accident. Azure didn't really remember them, probably because she had been too young at the time. She had no memories of what they had looked like, or what they were like. Azure also felt down when she watched another trade-in for the new NS-5s. The old robots just looked really sad.

Azure startled when she realised she was standing out the front of Gigi's. Entering she was greeted with a suffocating hug and what sounded like a 'hello' from Del's mouth, full of pie. While Gigi got her a slice Del filled her in on what happened to him at Lanning's house. It was shocking to discover that Del had almost been killed by a demolition bot. Azure took Del's side in it not being an accident. There was just no way anyone would enter a building when it was near the time of being made into rubble. Besides, when active those bots usually required supervision from USR as a precaution.

Azure noticed there was something about the sweet potato pie, like it had something a little extra in it. That it was a bit more delicious than the way Gigi usually made them.

"Gigi this is great! Is it a new recipe?"

"Yeah," joked Del, "you keep making these pies this good we're gonna have to put you to work."

"So you both like the pie, huh?" asked Gigi innocently, Azure didn't miss the mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

"Mmmm hmmm," confirmed Del eagerly.

"You can come in now!" called Gigi and out of a side room suddenly came an NS-5, sleek and new.

"Hello Detective Spooner, Miss Miller," it stated.

"I won Del, I won the lottery! We've been cooking like crazy."

"That's wonderful," said Azure softly.

The NS-5 made its way to the kitchen. Del pushed away his plate of pie. Azure didn't even need to see the look on his face to know what expression he was wearing. It was one thing to have robots wandering the streets, he could cope with that, he did well most days. But to have a robot not only close by but living with a person he deeply cared about... Azure knew this would not go well. She waited nervously for something, some kind of outburst but to her surprise nothing happened. Del was tense for the rest of the visit and refused to eat anymore food but other than the disgusted looks he sent the NS-5, that was it. Azure was impressed, maybe his vacation had really done him good, relaxed him more.

On their way out Del hesitated before turning and Azure just knew he was going to say something about the robot.

Sure enough, "You gotta get rid of that thing Gigi. It's not safe."

"Baby, you get too worked up about them, too full of fear. I saw in the news that nice doctor died. Dr. Lanning was a good man. He gave me my Del back. Is that why you both have been so upset?"

Azure startled a little before asking, "what do you mean?"

"Oh my girl. Gigi always knows these things."

Del looked at Azure a little surprise, they had both been a bit preoccupied lately with everything that had happened to notice much about each other.

"It's nothing Gigi," replied Azure. "Just old feelings, non-existent memories about my parents."

"Oh, you two. You've got to let the past be past." After that Gigi seemed to get distracted by Del's shirt. "Azure, how did I ever raise such a mess?"

Azure couldn't help giggling over Gigi's fussing and teased, "you could probably follow his trail of crumbs all across town."

At that moment an interesting expression crossed Del's face, realisation. Azure could see the light bulb go on in his head.

"Bread crumbs," Del murmured. "Z, you're a genius."

Azure flailed, "what?" Del kissed Gigi quickly on the cheek before hurrying off. "Del? Uh, bye Gigi!" Azure struggled to catch up. "Del wait, what's going on?"

"Z I think Lanning left clues, bread crumbs, behind. Clues to maybe tell us who killed him. I'm going over everything about the case again."


"Just go with Susan and see about all the details on that thin-"

"Sonny. His name Sonny."

Del stopped a moment in frustrated exasperation commanded harshly, "Just go alright."

Azure gave a fake, sharp salute before going to walk off. "Wait, Z," Azure turned. "Be careful?" Del asked softly, apologetically. Azure couldn't help gently smiling and nodded. Apology accepted.

Oh wow, it's been too long since I updated! I just get so caught up in life, I'm also in the making of an honest-to-robots (heh) book! I'm making myself excited. Anyway SO SORRY for the long wait, I'll try not to make it so long next time. I was going to wait until I finished up the chapter after this one (because this one's so short) but oh well. It's just a little bit more characterisation.

THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU to everyone that reviewed and has been encouraging me to continue! I love you all! May you all find your very own Sonny... or Wonka... or Sherlock... or Damon... or basically just that amazing someone. xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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