Chapter 19: I can't believe it

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Vilu's P.O.V

Vilu: I can't believe it,I should of known

Tomas: Violetta I can explain

Vilu: Tomas why would you do that you know I love Leon and I broke up with him thinking he cheated on me when he didn't

Tomas: I'm sorry??

Vilu: (slapped him)

Tomas: ow!!

Ludmi: servers you right

Tomas: (ran away)

Vilu: Ludmila can I see that video

Ludmi: sure

After the video

Vilu: I'm such a fool

Ludmi: Vilu no your not,if I saw a girl kissing Fede I would of done the same thing

Vilu: yeah but I want to go apologize to Leon But I don't know where he is

Ludmi: he's at the restroband with the guys

Vilu: ok lets go

We got in my car and drove to the restroband.When we arrived at the restroband we got out my car and went in and we saw the guys so we walked over to the guys

Vilu: hey guys

Fede: Vilu did you get to stage 4 yet

Vilu: nope

Fran: Maxi you owe Naty & I 10 dollars

Maxi: fine (gave them 10 dollars each)

Vilu: um.. Leon can we talk??

Leon: sure (walked outside with Vilu) So what did you want to talk about??

Vilu: about us

Leon: Vilu it's ok if your still mad at me I just want us ror be friends then

Vilu: Leon that's not what I wanted to talk about

Leon: what was it then??

Vilu: I want us to be US again

Leon: like in boyfriend and girlfriend??

Vilu: yes

Leon: really

Vilu: yeah I overheard Tomas and Ludmi in the park and he confessed that he made that girl kiss and-

Leon: (kissed her)

Vilu: (kissed back)

Fede's P.O.V

Fede: it  makes me so happy that my little sister is happy

Fran: Violetta is older than you

Maxi: by 7 minutes

Fede: do we have to keep talking about that

Naty: yup

Vilu's P.O.V

Leon: I really missed you Vilu

Vilu: me too, and can I ask you a question??

Leon: sure

Vilu: do you mind if I keep my hair purple???

Leon: yeah I think you look beautiful with it

Vilu: (blushed and looked down)

Leon: you don't have to hide when you blush it's really cute

Vilu: (blushed like a tomato)

Leon: how about we go on a date later??

Vilu: sure but can we watch a movie

Leon: sure, I'll be at your house at 8

Vilu: ok (phone rings) hello??...yes dad there with me....ok I'll tell...bye (hangs up)

Leon: what did your father what??

Vilu: well all our friends and their family is coming over and so is yours and we're having a dinner party

Leon: so that means we can't have our date

Vilu: actually when we have dinner parties our friends get to sleep over so we can watch tons of movies

Leon: ok I'm cool with that

Cami: (came with th guys) guys sorry to interrupt but we have a dinner party in 4 hours and have nothing to wear

Vilu: cami don't worry I have a S.U.C (Secret Underground Closet)

Cami: what's that

Fede: Vilu and I have closets in our rooms but the S.U.C is a Secret Underground Closet and is way bigger like a mall

Fran: what are we waiting for lets go

We all got in Fede and I's cars and we drove them to our house

I hope you liked chapter 19. I will update on January 1 because if you didn't see my new Idea I'm going to update a story for a whole week then the other story the next week and so on and since I have 4 stories the last week is when I'll update all of them.

- Amani

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