Chapter 1: Move

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"Oof." A slight grunt left (Name) Rocket's lips as she set down the cardboard box full of belongings.

"(Name)!" called her twin brother, Silver, from upstairs. "Need any help?"

"Nope, I'm fine, Silvy!" (Name) replied.

The siblings had originally been from the Kanto region, where their father, Giovanni Rocket, was CEO of a powerful company. But the company was crumbling, and (Name) and Silver were sent to live in Johto.

It was early September, which meant that school was starting soon. In fact, their senior year was going to begin the very next day.

Ding dong! "Hey, (Name), can you get the door?"

"Sure!" The (h/c)-haired girl scurried toward the door, pulling it open only to reveal a boy about her age. He had dark hair and mischievous copper eyes, and there was no denying that he was good-looking. "Um... hello, can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Gold," he rambled; he didn't seem focused on her. His gaze was fixed on a woman who looked like his mother nodding from the driveway. "I'm your new neighbor, and — " He finally turned to look at (Name), and his alluring eyes widened. "You're hot!" The female only gave him a deadpanned, confused stare.

"Nice to meet you," she stated politely, ignoring his outburst. "I'm (Name)." The boy didn't reply for a long time, for his cheeks had flared and he kept glancing back at his mother.

"Uhh..." he mumbled stupidly.

"(Name), who's at the door?" Silver appeared at his sister's side.. His steely eyes suddenly narrowed as he noticed the black-haired boy gaping at his obviously clueless twin. "And who would this be?"

"Silvy, this is Gold, our new neighbor," said (Name).

"Y-Yeah! That's me!" Gold blurted. The redhead raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"It was a real pleasure to meet you," Silver told him sarcastically. "But we've got some unpacking to do. Goodbye." And with that, Silver slammed the door. Hard.

"Hey, that wasn't nice!" (Name) commented, startled by Silver's actions.

"Tch." Her brother gestured to the boxes on the ground. "Shut up and start unpacking."

"Jeez... Silvy..." (Name) sighed, obeying and wondering just what had caused her brother's bad mood.


"Here's your first class." The older male gestured to the small plaque that read, Room 24. "Have a good day, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not a baby, Silvy." (Name) pouted, but accepted the hug from her brother nonetheless. As soon as he was gone, she was approached by a brown-haired girl with twintails.

"Oh my Arceus, was that your boyfriend? He's totally hot!" she told (Name). (Name), slightly intimidated, shook her head.

"Um, no, that was my brother," she stated quietly, not interested in talking to anyone just yet.

"Oh, really?" The brunette scratched her head. "Could you set me up with him?"

"Sure..." the other girl mumbled.

"Thanks!" The girl flashed a bright smile. "Are you new here? I'm Lyra, by the way."

"I'm — " Before (Name) could introduce herself, Lyra's attention was turned towards the entrance, where none other than the boy from the previous day was entering.

"There's Gold!" Lyra squealed. "Oh Arceus, I'm so sad that I've already had my turn with him! I haven't seen him for three months too long!" (Name) frowned. Turn?

"Ladies, ladies, calm down." He spoke smoothly, not at all flustered like he had been when he met (Name) at her doorstep. The girl frowned, not understanding his sudden jump in personality. Girls surrounded him and his group of friends, and the noise in the classroom only grew louder. (Name) began to get a migraine. Who knew kids in Johto were this loud?

(Name) was jolted out of her trance when she felt someone lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. She jumped, quickly turning around to see a blue-haired boy with matching eyes.

"Hello," he greeted. "Are you new here?" (Name) nodded wordlessly. "Not the talker type, huh?" The female shook her head. He laughed, a low, rich sound; he was undeniably attractive, "Well, I'm Falkner. And you, Miss Silent?"

"(Name)," her voice was barely a whisper.

"Lovely to meet you." The girl was completely unaware of his flirtatious tone. "Say, why don't — "

"Caught another in your trap, Falkner?" spoke up a familiar voice.

"I could say the same to you, Gold. Except, I'm quite positive you have more than one." Gold rolled his eyes.

"Oh, please," he began angrily. "You can just — " His mouth dropped open as he recognized (Name). "You... you go here?" he spoke uncomfortably. The female nodded.

"This is (Name)." Falkner smirked at Gold. "Quite beautiful, isn't she?" A blush threatened to crawl up the mentioned girl's neck, but she kept a straight face and blatantly ignored the two.

"She's not interested." A third voice spoke up; this time it was a bluenette with her hair pulled into pigtails. She gave off an aura of forcefulness and command.

"Gee, Crystal, calm down," Gold mumbled, looking away.

"Leave her alone, then!" Crystal looked extremely angry. The two boys backed off, and the female sighed and gave an apologetic look to (Name). "Sorry about them. They're so immature, I swear I don't know how they made it to senior year." The (h/c)-haired girl replied with a small smile.


"Good morning, class," the professor finally strolled through the door, with papers falling from his briefcase and coffee spilling everyone. "I'm Mr. Elm, and I'm your homeroom teacher."

"Get yourself together, teach!" Yelled one of Gold's friends from the back of the classroom. Everyone, including the teacher, found this amusing.

"Quiet down, class, I would like to assign your seats." The entire class groaned. "Gold Hibiki, you're up front." Girls started praying that they would be able to sit next to him. "(Name) Rocket, you're next to him."

"Who's that?" whined a pretty pinkette. "Mr. Elm, can't I sit next to my boyfriend?"

"Shh. Please listen to the instructions," Mr. Elm replied simply.

"Don't worry, babe, I'll make it up to you!" Gold winked at his current girlfriend from across the classroom.

As more people got seated, his gaze wandered over the girl next to him, who was quietly reading a book. She'll be an easy catch, he told himself. Pretty damn cute, too.

"Hey." He tapped her shoulder, and she looked up, brows raised.


"Wanna grab a coffee with me sometime?" He grinned.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Her expression didn't change in the least, and she looked back down at her book.

"I'll have one if you tell me yes." His cheeky smile grew wider.

"Please leave me alone. I didn't come here to mess with boys that have no interest in anything but my looks." Gold stared at her in confusion, not that he was listening to her whole explanation, but more so, that she didn't beam at him and practically shout, 'Yes!'

"Wha — "

"What did I tell you less than ten seconds ago?" Her tone was unchracteristically cold.

"Whatever you say." He sent her a charming smile that she completely ignored, before resting his case — for now.

All Gold knew was, perhaps this was going to be fun.

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