Chapter 5: Gratitude

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As the car pulled up to the party house, (Name) began to hyperventilate. "My brother is here?!" she practically shrieked. The music was turned up far, far too high; she thought that her ears were going to burst!

"Calm down, we'll find him, don't worry," soothed Gold; he really didn't know how to comfort her.

"I have to hurry!" The (h/c)-haired girl ripped the passenger door open before sprinting down the driveway. "Thanks for the ride!"

"Hey, wait!" Gold shouted. "I'm coming with you!" Either she didn't hear him, or she didn't care, because she never responded.

"Silver!" (Name) and Gold pushed through the crowds, in search for the familiar head of red hair. "Silver!" she yelled even more loudly.

"Hey, I think I see him!" said Gold suddenly, pointing toward an isolated corner; (Name) could caught a glimpse of red, and rushed toward the area, knocking down a few people in the process. As she got closer, she noticed that her brother wasn't alone. A girl with brown pigtails was looking down at him in a concerned manner, and coaxing him to drink water.

"Lyra! Oh, thank goodness!" (Name) breathed a sigh of relief, as she rushed to her brother's side, checking for a fever or other signs of physical damage.

"Don't worry, (Name)!" Lyra chirped. "I made sure nothing bad happened to him." Thrusting both her shyness and cold demeanor aside, she engulfed Lyra in a hug. Happy tears ran down her face.

"Thank you, I hope I can make it up to you one day." Silver suddenly groaned, and (Name) snapped back to reality. "Alright, time to get this idiot home."

"(Naaaame)," giggled Silver. "You're hereeee~"

"Yes, yes, I'm here," she replied impatiently, trying to get him to stand up so she could support him on the way back to the car. "C'mon now..." Suddenly, Silver went limp in her arms. She gasped, panic filling her body, before she realized that Silver had just fallen asleep. "Great. Now what?" (Name) looked around; Lyra was gone. Why was she even here in the first place? She seems like a good girl... "Ugh, you deadweight. I told you not to eat that box of doughnuts last night!"

"Still need my help?" Gold asked awkwardly. It was as if she had forgotten that he was there. Her eyes lit up, and a smile made its way onto her face. She's beautiful.

"It wouldn't be too much to ask, would it?" she questioned hesitantly, although her hopeful grin didn't leave her face.

"No problem at all," said Gold. "Here." He tried so hard to make it look effortless, he really did, and he guessed that he succeeded, since (Name) didn't remark on how strained he probably looked, but really, this guy was deadweight.

"I saw our car not too far away; it's a couple houses down. Think you can handle him?" No! Gold screamed in his head.

"Yes," he said aloud. Now, (Name) noticed his struggle, and smile disappeared and was replaced by a worried expression.

"Oh, no, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you." She reached down and supported the weight of Silver's legs. "Better?" Gold nodded. shifting his focus to the boy's shoulders. "Alright, let's go."

As they began to head toward the exit, it was only now that everyone starting to send curious looks their way. After all, two teens that obviously didn't belong in this group were carrying an unconscious boy out of the party.

"Ignore them," Gold said firmly, when she noticed (Name)'s discomfort. "We gotta get him — and you — home." The female nodded in agreement, and the pair continued to lug Silver's sleeping form out to the siblings' car.

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