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Master's orders kept running in my mind. I know I should be happy that I was the chosen one but for some reason, I couldn't be confident. I disliked the fact I had to play with the mind of this young lady by acting as a person who likes her and eventually just kill her for the sake of power. It just seems like an unfair thing to do and I hated it and the thought of me doing it. That name, Heartfillia, just makes my head hurt which I assume is giving me signs of my past through this girl's name.

An image of a young girl smiling suddenly appeared and I think, it's a vision of my lost memories. Her face wasn't clear. And the whole background was in complete blur. I barely could see a strand of her hair and the clothes she was wearing. It felt like her smile was the only thing that was important. My little self was blushing. Wow, I look so decent back then and a bit rebellious. I got to admit, I kind look cool here. My words were stuttering while I sad beside her but I couldn't understand though what on earth I was uttering. All I knew, I was shy around her and I was holding her hand.

"Okay Sting. Your mission will begin today. I know you are scared and all but stay strong. You are doing this for the guild and you don't want to let the members of this society get frustrated at you. And don't worry, you are not alone. All of us are assigned to get her but you are different Sting. I know you are. You are the only one who can catch the prey's attention. Because like I said, you are special" he patted me on the back like I was going to be sent off on a very dangerous mission even though it wasn't. He probably just wants me to be encouraged. But his words seemed too, I don't know, vicious?  Its like he knew me, the real Sting in the past.

But I didn't like over thinking it. I needed to leave soon and find a perfect timing to make ms. Lucy fall in love with me. 



So, you might be asking, where the fuck are you?

Okay, let's say, I went out for a little adventure because I smelled food from afar. Happy didn't seem to complain about us ditching the mission to protect Lucy for a minute just to fill in our stomachs. And so, we went. I wasted half of our money on it and believe me, it was worth it. The place might be cheap but the food was incredible. Their place is kinda crappy but my life is worse so I shouldn't really be judging. I guess the crew were okay. Some were silent but I can tell they were happy being in this place. They loved working here and if I had to work somewhere just for the sake of experience and such, I might reconsider taking part here.

"That was amazing Natsu!" Happy told me with an expression filled with joy. I gave him a smile in return of his bright atmosphere and a thumbs up. But we got lost after exiting the restaurant and that changed our moods. We didn't know where to go and Happy tried to fly around this village or city to guide us to a specific area but the problem is, when we went here, we exactly don't know where to go. Lucy probably left her father's house by now because she was supposed to go home a bit earlier and she did tell us she would come back immediately. Ugh, am I doubting Lucy? No, I was scared for her. After that anonymous message, I couldn't bare to just stay there and wait for her. I had to take action.

"NATSU! NATSU!" Happy yelled from the skies.

Surprised, I looked up. "What's wrong? Found anything useful or connected to Lucy? Did you find her?"

"No, but I did find Cara and she is in trouble"



Cara has been gone longer than I expected. I guess she is having the best time of her life rather than baby sitting me. I chuckled at what I think she is  doing right now. Drinking, flirting and even doing nasty things. I have known her for so long that I know her everyday routine. Yes, that was her life. Just slacking off and deciding what she wants to happen. She was free.

My chuckle became a loud laugh that I found really insane to look at the mirror. And once I did see myself, I began to cry. I don't know why and it wasn't because I looked like crap. I missed being me. I missed laughing. I missed being crazy. I wasted my life on the past that I completely forgot to live a life. I knew I wasn't safe and I'll never be. They want me. I wasn't Cara and even if I try to act like her, change my name and run away like how she rolls, I was never going to be free. And that's the saddest part of my life.

Tears started to flow slowly on my cheeks. As time flew by, I began to sob like I couldn't stop. My dress was getting wet and I needed a new one. I stand up, heading towards my room which had clean clothes Cara had brought. I stop near the window before continuing and I stood there, staring at the sun going down.

Another day has ended, huh? A sigh came across my face. I guess I can survive a day without getting into trouble. Maybe next time, they might forget me and just leave me alone.

I wish. I hope. And I..

The windows I was staring at was hit by someone who I think was thrown towards my window. I hear someone walking on the roof and as soon that person was getting near my window, the steps became louder and faster. I look down at the guy who got thrown and I saw a mark of a guild which was unfamiliar to me. Not knowing what to do, I tried to run but the glass shards were around me and I was not wearing any slippers.

Oh great, how unlucky can I get?

"Need help?" someone who I knew for a long time and I assume is the guy walking a while ago spoke with his hand extended towards me.

With a bright smile he was using as he looked at me, I started to tear up again. Was my life playing tricks on me? No, my life is just a complete rollercoaster. It won't stop until its satisfied. And here it was, making me feel like an idiot. Staring and crying at a guy who probably doesn't know me.

"I know, I got a lot of explaining to do but let's do it outside here where your not actually surrounded by glass? Okay? Oh by the way, I'm Sting, you are?"

I take it back, it was playing tricks on me.

Author's Note:

Finally updated!!!

I'm sorry for the delay last October. It was a really busy month for me and I could barely write so forgive me. But I did fulfil my promise to update it before 2017 arrives and I did it! I hope you guys are still out there, supporting this story because I'm confident anyways love you all :)

PS. I updated this last night but because of a glitch in wattpad, I had to delete and copy the written part in a new part slot. To those who were thinking I was trolling you about an update, don't worry it was just a little glitch.

Sorry if it's really short :((

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