The Myth of the Slenderman

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              The Myth of the Slenderman  
    Fear. That's all I remember. I woke of from a terrible nightmare. My pulse was racing so fast that it felt like my veins were about to pop. "Wow, I'm even sweating," I said feeling the heat on my forehead. "I'll get something to drink before I go back to sleep." That's when I heard something fall in the kitchen.  
    "What's in the kitchen?" I asked myself feeling worried. Now, I was sweating from fear. I steadily walked towards my door; having second thoughts about going outside. My door creaked open; I tried to open it slower so it wouldn't creak as much. I peaked outside and looked in the kitchen. There was a tall figure searching the house. What is that?! Wh-what is it looking for? Is it looking for.......... Me? I thought putting my hand on my mouth. I slowly closed the door and locked it; trying not to make a noise. Backing away I didn't know what to do, so I ran over to my phone and tried calling the police but the line was dead. I started tearing up thinking that I was going to die from that creature. The closet! I ran over to the closet, jumped inside, and left it open just enough to see what was going on in my room.  
    I held my knees close to my chest, and peered out of the closet. The creature slammed the door open, so it was no use in locking it. The thing was so tall and it had tentacles coming from its back. It was horrifying, and its face; why there was no face.  No eyes, no ears, no mouth, no nose. He didn't need them anyway; he could sense, feel, hear that I was there.  
    There was nowhere to run, to hide; I was going to die in the hands of Him. I took another look at him, and couldn't help but scream in terror. He jerked his head directly towards the closet. I couldn't stop screaming; I was going to die. "AHHHH! HELP! HELP ME SOMEONE!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was shaking in fear from the Slenderman.  
    He ripped the door off from the hinges. He leaned over and looked at me with his blank soulless face. I starred right back with tears in my eyes. "Please... please don't hurt me," I cried. He stood up with his tentacles ready to attack, and lunged toward me. I blacked out with my last memory. His heartless blank face.    
    I woke up. I thought I was dead, and that I woke up in the afterlife. I was wrong I was just unconscious. Why didn't he kill me? I thought. I was hanging by my hands in a darkened cave. I could barely see anything. I struggled trying to get down, but it was no use; it was tightened really well. Trying to shake myself awake I turned to my right and saw others who were all bloody and strung up. I could hear some of them screaming, and some were crying. They were mostly kids or teenagers. "Where are we?" I asked the kid next to me.  
    "We're in His hideout; where he kills us and heaven knows what else. But we are all going to die, so there is no use in trying," he started crying.  Slenderman walked in and held one of the kids by his tentacles. He had blood all over his suit and where his mouth is supposed to be. His tentacles motioned backwards and sped straight through the kid's stomach. The child screamed and then passed away. Slenderman dropped the kid and went to the next one. I couldn't stand it; the sound of the ripping of the flesh, the cracking of the bones it was terrible. I started turning red with rage. "No! NO, NO!!!!" a girl screamed crying.  
    He was about to take another victim before I screamed at him. "Stop! You monster!"  He jerked his head towards me as he dropped the girl. She ran away as soon as he let go. He let the others go and walked in front of me; starring into my soul with his cold emotionless face. When he starred at me I started hearing ear piercing ringing, and started feeling dizzy. I wasn't going to let his tricks get to me; I just starred into his face as angry as I could. "How could you? Killing innocent kids... you murderer. You-you MONSTER!!!"  
    He moved his head back; assuming in shock. I immediately regretted what I said; he might have tortured me if I said anything else. He cut me down; while I was about to run away he grabbed my collar and dragged me to a room. He threw me up against the wall, and handed me a yellow hoodie. "What? Do you want me to put this on?" I asked angrily. He nodded. I put it on, zipped it, and stood up. I glared at him as he started getting closer. Before I knew it he grabbed me by my long black hair, and he cut to as short as it could go. I dropped on the floor when he cut it off; I fell with a thud. I gasped and ran over to a puddle of water to look at my reflection. My hair was now cut down to my ears and shaggy. "What the hell did you do that for!?!" I screamed. He rushed towards me and I fell backwards. We were face to face, and he put a finger where his mouth was supposed to be. He kissed me on the forehead and rubbed where he kissed. Slenderman turned around and threw me a mask. It was a white mask with black lips and pure black eyes. "And... what's this for?" I asked observing the mask.
    He turned to his right and pointed. There was a boy that was wearing the exact same hoodie as me, but he had his hood on. It was hard to make out his face; all I saw was two red eyes and a red frowning mouth. "I-I I'm H-Hoodie," he stuttered. It sounded as if it was hard to speak. Hoodie walked in front of Slenderman and gave him a bow.
"M-Master. W-Who is the n-new
re-recruit of... ours?"  All the Slenderman did was point at me and the mask. Hoodie nodded, walked over to me, and grabbed the mask; he shoved the mask on to my face. It was painful. I started screaming from the pain. It was melting onto my face or being painfully glued on it. Hoodie let go and it stopped hurting; my head dropped and my vision was a bit blurry but it came to.
    "Y-Your n-name... is M-Maskie," he patted my shoulder. He held out a hand to me and stood me up. Hoodie looked up at Slenderman and they both nodded and turned towards me. Hoodie slammed me up against the wall, and rolled up my jacket sleeve to show my shoulder. I was struggling not knowing what else to do.  Hoodie grabbed a knife from his jacket pocket and started carving into my shoulder. I tried to let out a scream but it was muffled from the mask. He kept carving not caring that it was harming me.
   When he was finished he finally let go of me. I scurried backward and looked at the carving he placed on me. It was a circle with a giant scribbled "X" coming out of it. I was panting hard from the pain of the mark; I gestured "why" to him for I could not speak. He dropped the knife and said, "I-It's the sign of Th-the S-Slenderman; Th-The Operator s-symbol," he picked me up from the ground. "W-We accompany him on his n-night out. H-He is o-our... m-master. Y-you must  l-listen to him or... h-he w-will kill y-you."  I nodded knowing there was no way of getting out of this one.
    For many months now people have been searching for the children that we kidnap. I'm not proud of it; it's just my master's doings. The Slenderman is a powerful being; he will take any child and make sure they are never seen again. I don't know why he chose me to accompany him; I'm grateful because he didn't kill me.  
    We kill, kidnap, slaughter, and maim kids. Anyone who comes into our forest is pretty much gone. They are never heard from again. Once in awhile my name comes up on the news saying that I'm still missing from town. They might as well just stop with all the disappearances because they are never coming back. Yeah, sometimes we let them go, but they either get lost in the forest and die from starvation or we catch them again. All, this that I have told you is true, and all you need to know is... there is no escaping the Slenderman.
                            ~THE END~

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