Ghost town

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Ghost town

One a little girl was walking down the street and she didn't know why there was nobody out. She looked and looked while she was walking. She was getting a little worried and a little scared all at the same time. She was worried that she was all alone. So a few later she had to go to school. So Charlie got and got ready. She went to the bus stop like it was a normal day. When she got there and waited on the bus after 30 mins she looked at her phone and saw that she was way way to late class started 2 hours ago. So she started running as fast as she could run. So after a 5 mile run to school. Charlie was finally there she went to her first class and no one was there and she was ok ok maybe there outside so Charlie ran to the back and no one was there ether. Charlie ran back inside and she still saw no one. So Charlie decide to go back home. So she walked back home and on here 5 mile walk she still saw no one. Charlie said to her self it looks like a ghost town. She was getting really really worried. Charlie was finally home so she went inside. She opened the door and when she did she felt like someone was looking at her so she slammed the door locked and ran to her room as fast as she could. She thought she was all alone but Charlie new she wasn't. She started to draw (Charlie always draws when she is felling down or stressed) so Charlie was almost done with her drawing she heard a really worried noise. So she went to her window and saw a zombie in her back yard trying to get in her friends house right next door. So she closed her window and started calling and texting people but no one answered or replied. So she said that she was going to have to fight this on her own. So she got up went to her brothers room tanner and got his football helmet, his hockey stick, golf club, and air-soft gun and went down stairs and started the war.

(Sorry it's really short it's my first time writing a story so hope u like it:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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