i. above us, the constellations spun

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THE SMELL OF ALCOHOL AND SMOKE IN THE AIR. That was a certain thing Achilles remembers about that night. The moon was full on the night sky and the stars were shining brighter than usual which made him a little skeptical about the creatures that might run outside tonight but he decided against hunting any of them. If people looked for a hero tonight, they shouldn't look for him.

The glass of alcohol felt heavy on his hand and the liquid felt even more heavier down his throat. The semi-full bar he was in, an old place ready to crumble down in any moment and with a bartender that clearly hated his job, wasn't helping him to cope with his anxiety that was really high this whole week.

"One whiskey with ice, please." Achilles took a look at the stranger that had taken the seat next to his stool ( like all the other seats were taken ). The metal scent of blood mixed with cheap soap and after-shave filled his nostrils, along with the image of a pretty ( and tired ) face with even prettier ( and even more tired ) green eyes wondering around the bar until this pair of eyes landed on him. ( Shit. ) It was clear that Achilles was staring at him, but the stranger seemed unfaced from it, like he knew how good looking he was ( he probably did. People this good looking usually are full of themselves ). "Hey."

( Achilles' rational thinking and steady heartbeat were gone right in this fucking moment. ) "Hi."

Achilles turned his head low to his drink and took his cigarettes out before putting one in his mouth. He patted himself for a lighter and sighed when he couldn't find one. "Shit."

"Need fire?" the stranger asked, his voice deep and hoarse ( of course it was ) and Achilles gulped.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I do."

"Here." the man brought the lighter in front of Achilles' cigarette and lit it up.

He took a drag from the cigarette before answering; "Thanks."

"No problem." a sign of something Achilles wasn't sure ( hesistation maybe? for what? ) flashed behind the stranger's eyes before he held his hand out; "Dean."

( Oh my God. ) "Achilles."

"Achilles?" ( Shit, here it goes. ) "Wow, that's a-"

"Really weird name?" Achilles cut the stranger - Dean - off before he could finish his sentence. Dean looked at him questioningly, almost enternained and Achilles felt his blood slowly boil inside him.

"I would say a unique name. You don't meet everyday someone named after Greek mythology." Dean said, a faint smirk on his face.

Achilles couldn't help the small smile that took over his features; "Wow, you're one of the few that actually understand my name and its origins. Usually I have to deal with stupid people asking - I quote - what kind of stupid European piece of shit name is that? - so it's kinda weird, you knowing my name - as a name I mean, not that you knew I was named like that, that would be - Shit. I'm babbling, sorry."

Dean laughed ( actually laughed and Achilles felt the sound impriting in his mind and echo in it ) and looked at Achilles. Green eyes with crinkles in the side and small re-ignited spark in them and plump pink lips opened to a smile with white pearly teeth ( how is it possible for a human being to be so beautiful? ). "It's okay, Achilles. It's okay."

Achilles choked on his cigarette's smoke, not sure if it was from the impact of Dean's strong hand landing on his shoulder or from the way his name sounded from Dean's mouth. ( Probably both. )

They both stared at each other. Achilles looked at Dean's green eyes - no, they weren't green, green is too simple. Green isn't enough to explain all the beautiful ( and honestly? really cheesy ) images that came in Achilles' mind when he looked into these eyes.

"You're really beautiful." Dean blurted, Achilles looking at him starstruck. "I- uh, I meant, um, shit. That wasn't supposed to be said aloud."

Achilles laughed ( Shit, of course he would have a cute laugh. ) and rolled his eyes at Dean's comment. "Well, thank you. You're really beautiful too." Dean smiled and blushed ( Fuck Dean, control yourself. ).

Dean finished his drink quickly, trying not to show his blush ( which he failed because Achilles saw and it was the cutest thing ever to see a man like Dean acting like a teenage school girl. ).

Achilles took out his phone and checked the time. The digital numbers showed him that it was a little bit after 1 A.M. and he had to leave now if he wanted to get to his next destination in the time he wanted to.

"I had a great time, Dean, but unfortunately I have to go." Achilles announced and Dean looked at him, eyes wide and his lips moving like he wanted to say something but no sound coming out.

"Oh, I can, uh, I can walk you out?" Dean suggested, his tone half-questioning.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Achilles smiled and Dean smiled back. They both threw a bill on the counter for their drinks and get up from their seats to leave.

Dean looked down at Achilles and they both chuckled; "You're short." Dean commented and Achilles rolled his eyes.

"I've been told. Well, you are tall too, so." They got out from the bar, the late night air hitting them both.

"If you think I'm tall, you should see my brother." Dean said as they walked towards the parked cars.

"Your brother is taller than you?" Achilles asked and Dean nodded; "Well, no offence, but I don't really wanna meet your brother." Achilles said and Dean smiled and unlocked his car that had just reached.

"So, where's your car?" Dean asked and Achilles shuffled on his feet.

"I came by feet here. My motel is right up the street."

"Wait, Pines motel?"


"That's the motel I'm staying too! Come on, I'll give you a ride." Achilles felt like he should decline but the excited look on Dean's face made it hard for him.

"I don't know, Dean..."

"Achilles, come on, it's nothing." Dean insisted and Achilles sighed. He mumbled something like fine and got in the passenger's seat. He smiled slightly at the sound of the engine of, the old but well-kept, car that came to life.

"It's beautiful." Achilles said, his hand touching every surface possible in the car and Dean smiled.

"I know. She's a beauty." Dean answered and drove away. In five minutes they were already at the motel and walked at their rooms.

"So, this goodnight, huh?" Achilles said and Dean nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess, it is."

"Goodnight, Dean." Achilles smiled one last time to Dean.

"Goodnight, Achilles."

BROWN EYES AND BRIGHT SMILES. That was a thing Dean remembers about that night.

( author's note: ) this is a fucking mess and really small but they somehow needed to meet and i didn't want to write the two chapters together so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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